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The Roaming Subject
作者 楊儒賓
You (to roam/play), a key concept of Zhuangzi, often occurs with such concepts as xin (mind), qi and shen (spirit). Sometimes it is combined with words related to the idea of freedom. The subject of Zhuangzi can be understood as a body-qi subject, which can also be a "roaming subject," a higher form of subjectivity. The roaming subject is free from cognition and relativity. The concept of "roaming subject" has three dimensions. First, it is a non-dual and appreciating subjectivity. The roaming subject co-exists with the world; the subject and the world surround and interact with each other. Second, the mundane world is where human beings and things co-exist. Things in the human world (renjian shi) are not only natural items: they are embedded with the "heavenly principles" (tianli). The roaming subject recognizes the heavenly principles therein and interacts with them; this is what Zhuangzi calls "the mind roams with things." This transforms the ontological status of both the subject and things. The third dimension reveals the dilemma of the subject in the human world: the roaming subject is faced with fate and coincidence; is bound to interact with other human beings; and cannot escape from ethical responsibility. When the subject transforms into an ethical subject, the roaming stops. Nevertheless, Zhuangzi suggests that one can still roam in spirit (tianyou).
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 莊子形氣主體乘物Zhuangziroamingtransformationbody-qi subjectroam with things fate
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201409 (45期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-下一篇 六朝佛法與世教交涉下的戒殺論述




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