英文摘要 |
This study applies a Panel Smooth Transition Regression (PSTR) model which developed by González et al. (2005) and takes into account the potential endogeneity biases in order to establish country-specific and time-specific elasticities of healthcare expenditure with respect to real income for 155 selected countries for the period 1995–2011. This study sets real income per capital and life expectancy as the explanatory variable, life expectancy as the transition variable, and healthcare expenditure per capital as dependent variable to investigate the nonlinear relationship between healthcare expenditure per capital and real income per capital. Our empirical results indicate that there exist two threshold values of 3.830 and 4.303, which shows that there are structural changes at these two points. Both thresholds divide our panel into three regimes. There is a significantly positive relationship between healthcare expenditure and real income since the estimated coefficients of LGDP are significantly positive (2.319, 0.613 and 1.677) in the three regimes, suggesting that as real income rises, healthcare expenditure rapidly increases in low life expectancy countries, then slowly increases in the middle stage when life expectancy between approximately 46 and 74, and last gradually increases in the high regime after the values of life expectancy exceed approximately 74 old. The healthcare expenditure is elastic with to real income for the low and high regime, suggesting that they are a luxury good. This technique further estimates the smoothness of the transition from a low life expectancy to a high life expectancy regime. |