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以Peter McLaren 革命多元文化主義省思國中社會科教科書之多元文化觀
The Multicultural Reflection on Junior High School’s Textbooks by Peter McLaren’s Revolutionary Multiculturalism
作者 馮美滿
Peter McLaren藉由透視白人意識,破除對保守主義和自由主義的迷思,深化多元與差異的議題,提出抗拒後現代主義之實踐戰術,並回歸人文馬克斯主義,為弱勢族群發聲,建立多元聯盟,以期解構資本主義與主流霸權之掠奪,讓多種文化並列前進並保持完整,重建社會之平等與正義。 本研究運用理論分析法對McLaren革命多元文化主義作內容分析,並以此對臺灣國中社會科教科書之多元文化觀進行反思,提出國中社會科教科書之多元文化教育。首先應破除教科書中主流漢人意識之迷思,進而解構自由主義與保守主義之假慷慨,再藉由抗拒後現代主義之批判教學論,解構資本主義所造成的不平等,最後,並以教育場域發展師生的對話實踐與批判意識,培養公民意識,達到轉化社會之目標,以期平等的對待臺灣弱勢族群,彰顯文化的多元性。
Peter McLaren broke the myth of conservatism and liberalism by inspecting whiteness. He brought up the practical strategy of resistance postmodernism and went back to humanistic Marxism for the inferior people. Besides, Peter McLaren built milticultural ally to re-construct the deprivation of capitalism and hegemony, and to make multiple cultures go forward and keep them complete and rebuild the equality and justice of society. This paper is aimed at reflecting the multicultural perspectives of junior high schools in Taiwan by analyzing McLaren’s revolutionary multiculturalism,and proposing the idea of multicultural education in society through studying textbooks in junior high. At first,Taiwan’s multicultural education should break the myth of Chinese consciousness, and re-construct the fake generosity from liberalism and conservatism. In addition, the researcher has developed the teacher-and-student dialogical praxis and critical consciousness to cultivate the civil consciousness, to transform the social objectives and brighten the multiculturalism.
起訖頁 105-128
關鍵詞 革命多元文化主義白人意識抗拒後現代主義人文馬克斯主義與批判教學論revolutionary multiculturalismwhitenessresistance postmodernismhumanistic Marxismcritical pedagogy
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201512 (35期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 教師與學校行政人員互動的 微觀政治素養研究




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