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Obstruction of Knowledge (Jñeyāvaraṇa): Among Sanskrit Compounding, Logical Analysis of Concept and Hermeneutic Rebuttal
作者 劉宇光
Different morphological interpretation of a Sanskrit compound word would imply signifi cant difference in its semantic indication. The Mahayana concept of Obstruction of Knowledge (Jñeyāvaraṇa) can be explained differently, according to two compounding principles. The tatpuruṣa format of Jñeyāvaraṇa is read as “Obstruction OF Knowledge”, while the karmadhāraya reading is “Obstruction BY Knowledge”. Apparently, they have different emphasis. Some modern scholarship in Buddhist Studies is tried to argue that, the two readings are in logical contradiction, thus, they are incompatible. However, the purpose of this article is tired to suggest that the conclusion above is still debatable. This article will agree that, although the two readings have different emphasis, they are not merely logically, and hermeneutically, compatible, but also mutually supportive. The argumentation is based on firstly, the analysis of the direct and indirect logical implications of the concept; and secondly, three “counter cases”, from East Asian and Tibetan presentations of various nintellectual traditions of Mahayana.
起訖頁 119-184
關鍵詞 所知障有相唯識學玄奘依主釋持業釋JñeyāvaraṇaSākāra-vijñānavādaXuanzangtatpuruṣakarmadhāraya
刊名 臺大佛學研究  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學佛學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 寂護與蓮華戒的唯識立場--以《攝真實論疏》(Tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā)〈考察外部對象品〉(Bahirarthaparīkṣā)對妙護(Śubhagupta)的回應為線索
該期刊-下一篇 以佛法的觀點詮釋《少年Pi 的奇幻漂流》:有關苦難與解脫的故事




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