中文摘要 |
詮釋性研究法被各學科運用在相關的研究領域上已歷時數十載,其目的在將隱含於人們日常生活經驗中的內在意涵與特殊現象,做深層意義的探討與客觀性的詮釋。雖然現今許多不同領域的學者如教育學科與護理學科等,已漸能接受並開始運用詮釋性研究作為該學科的主要研究方法;然而,此研究法本身的信效度卻仍然被實證主義論與經驗主義論學者所批判和質疑。因此,本文將深入探討此研究法優、劣之處,並嘗試在研究步驟上提供因應策略,以增進其信度與嚴謹度,除論證詮釋性研究在探討特殊現象與經驗內涵上為一適當可行的研究法外,更釐清學者對此研究法的部份質疑,進而廣泛提高詮釋性研究法在護理研究上的運用性。Interpretive methodology has been widely applied to interdisciplinary research over recent decades. The purpose of interpretive inquiry is to gain an understanding of human experience through establishing the meanings of phenomena. Also, its intention is objectively to interpret the meanings of phenomena that hide behind expressions of experience. Despite this increasing acceptance and application of interpretive approaches within interdisciplinary studies, as well as in the fields of education and nursing, it cannot be denied that its validity has long been doubted by positivists and empiricists. The purpose of this article is to argue that interpretive research is an appropriate methodology for understanding the meanings of phenomena. By doing so, its advantages and disadvantages will be discussed and described, and the means used by positivists and empiricists to cast doubt upon its validity will be examined. Finally, some strategies for reinforcing the validity of interpretive studies and for negating the criticisms of positivists and empiricists will be provided so as to reinforce the justification for using interpretive research in the field of nursing. |