中文摘要 |
本文敘述一位因肺結核併發症須以手術治療之病患的照護經驗。因預期手術成功率只有50%,而使得個案及家屬在術前因面對症狀困擾、手術之抉擇和治療預後成效上等問題,造成彼此內心很大的衝擊以及不確定感,也因此而出現焦慮、不安等情緒反應;在術後則呈現傷口疼痛及呼吸器脫離訓練等護理問題。此時筆者在照護期間(90.8.14~8.20)運用賦權先建立彼此的信任感,進而提供護理指導,來增加個案及家屬的動機和控制力,以加強其自我照顧能力;並且讓彼此共同參與分享疾病治療過程,最終達到縮短住院的天數,提昇護理品質。The purpose of this case report was to present the experience in caring for a pulmonary tuberculosis patient with severe complications. The patient needed to be treated by surgery but the rate of success was only 50%. The patient and his family felt uncertainty and anxious during the pre-operation stage, because they must deal with the decision of surgery. After surgery, the patient faced wound pain and weaning process. During the nursing period (from August 14 to August 20,2001), the author applied the skill of empowerment to build up the trust with each other. Moreover, we also provided the nursing instruction for the patient and his family to increase their motivation and self-control. Finally, the ability of the patient's self care was promoted. The nursing experience from this case report can help patient decreasing the length of hospitalization and improving our nursing quality. |