中文摘要 |
本篇報告是探討一位骨性膝關節炎患者接受膝關節置換術的護理經驗。在護理個案期間,利用 Gorden十一項功能健康型態模式來評估個案問題,發現個案由於手術前對相關知識瞭解不足,及擔心手術後患肢活動的問題而導致焦慮;術後因傷口疼痛及復健運動而導致疼痛;因膝關節置換手術後傷口疼痛及身上管路留置而活動受限,導致無法下床如廁及走動等身體活動功能障礙的問題,筆者本著關懷及同理心,運用有系統的護理指導、介紹成功的個案來減輕個案的焦慮;以協助與指導及回覆示教的方法,使個案逐漸恢復日常生活的活動功能,並增加其自信心,進而能積極面對手術後的復健運動,以達早日康復,面對未來的生活。The airn ofthe paper is to describe the nursing care experience in an osteoarthritis patient who received total knee replacement. The author used Gorden 11 functional health status assessmeut critenia to evaluate this patient. After evaluation, the patient had anxiety problem from lack of knowledge of the disease and the prognosis of the activity. After the operation, the main health problems were pain and mobility. In this nursing process, the researcher improved the client's physical symptoms by providing appropriate information and emotional support. Futhermore, the investigator helped the client use the mobility-skills. Then the client walked back home with a walker. |