中文摘要 |
在這個強調知識經濟的年代,推動知識的可及性為不可抵擋的時代朝流。MEDLINE資料庫為全球醫護人員廣泛使用的查詢資料庫之一,因此申請期刊加入MEDLINE資料庫將可增闢醫護人員查詢並閱讀醫護新知的管道。本文參考「MEDLINE期刊篩選條件之說明」與「申請加入國家醫學圖書館資料庫之說明」此兩份文件,茲對MEDLINE資料庫、申請加入MEDLINE資料庫之過程以及審查過程做一簡明介紹,同時也分享慈濟護理雜誌總編輯向「美國國家醫學圖書館」提出申請「慈濟護理雜誌」加入MEDLINE資料庫之經驗談,期望此經驗可做為其它護理雜誌社的參考。Knowledge power is so much emphasized in this era; and increasing the availability of knowledge to a broader audience is the necessary mainstream. MEDLINE database is widely used by health professionals throughout the world in search of health information. Therefore, having a journal indexed in the MEDLINE database can bring health professionals to a timely publications. Based on the Fact Sheet: Journal Selection for Index Medicus/MEDLINE and the Fact Sheet: Response to Inquiries about Journal Selection for Indexing at NLM, this article was to introduce the MEDLINE database, the process of applying a journal to be indexed in the MEDLINE database and review process. Meanwhile, this paper was to share Tzu Chi Nursing Journal Editor's experiences in applying the Tzu Chi Nursing Journal to be indexed in the MEDLINE database, and hopefully these experiences can provide other nursing publishers with a reference. |