中文摘要 |
本文敘述照護一位七十七歲失智症患者,運用Rogers護理理論之護理經驗。本文藉由Rogers護理理論之圓滿、螺旋與共振原則來評估個案與環境能量交換情形、目前生命型態與節率及個案在生命過程的變化情形,結果發現個案有定向感障礙、營養改變、活動與睡眠改變及問題行為等健康問題。護理過程以此三原則進行個案人場與環境場能量的交換可改善個案上述健康問題,進而協助個案達到和諧與安寧的狀態。本篇報告運用非侵入性的護理方式例如音樂治療、個別懷舊治療方式提供護理人員日後照顧之參考,亦期待Rogers護理理論能進一步推展與應用,此理論的整體人概念以及以非侵入性的護理方式是未來護理照護的趨勢。This paper explored and illustrated the experience of applying Rogers' Unitary Theory for taking care of a patient with dementia. Rogers' Unitary Theory regards human being as an intact entity that includes the aspects of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual well being. The author utilizes the three principles of integrity, helicy, and resonance of this theory to assess the life developmental process and energy interaction between the patient and his/her environment. During the nursing process, disturbance of sleeping pattern, disorientation, impairment of memory, deficit of the ability on self-care, and changes in nutrition and activity pattern are the health problems identified for this patient. This case study can help nurses recognize the possible health problems resulted from the imbalance of energy, and furthermore assist the patient to reach and maintain optimal function, harmony, and well-being. Music therapy and individual reminiscence therapy that were the non-invasive alternative therapies used by the author during the caring process those can be implemented by clinicians for future nursing practice. With the concept of regarding human being as a 'whole', but not the sum of the parts, it is expected that Rogers' Unitary theory will be widely applied in nursing practice in future. |