中文摘要 |
台中市大林國小深感落實品德教育之重要,於97學年度起開始積極「品德教育」,並申請教育部「99學年度補助辦理品德教育推廣與深耕學校計畫」通過,期望透過參與此計畫,能發展具學校特色的品德教育策略,除了形塑品德校園文化,營造有利品德發展的學習環境,以及提升家長與社區對於品德教育的重視程度,進而發揮家庭與社會教育的品德教育功能之外,並期與學校教育活動相輔相成,啟動正向循環的能量。大林國小在這樣的願景之下推動品德教育,更榮獲教育部評選為「99年度品德教育績優學校」。本文旨在探討台中市大林國小品德教育實施之現況,並依據「教育部品德教育促進方案」之十大評鑑指標來檢視大林國小品德教育之推動以及面臨的困難與挑戰,作為大林國小品德教育改善與精進之依據。The 'Da-Lin elementary school' in Taichung City knew the moral character education was important, so the school started to promote the moral character education actively in 2008. The school also applied the pass for the school promoting and deep plowing in moral character of the Ministry of Education. The school expected this plan could let the school to develop the strategy has the school's features. The strategy Not only drew up the culture for moral campus to set up the great learning environment for moral development, but promoted the family and the community to emphasize on the moral character education.Moreover, the strategy had influence the moral character education's function for the family and society, and expecting the strategy could start the positive power with the educational activity. Under this prospect, Da-lin won the 'superior school in promoting moral character education' in 2010. This thesis's purpose is discussing the Da-Lin elementary school's the moral character education's present situation of implementation, according to 'the moral character education promoting plan's' ten evaluating norm to examine Da-Lin's challenge and frustration when it promoted the moral character education. These ten norms also could be the Da-Lin to change the teaching way and make it better for the moral character education. |