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A New Effective Listening Module: English Word Variation Teaching plus Weekly Small-Scale Partial Diction of Connected Speech
作者 郭宜湘
The researcher discovered that directly teaching English word variations (EWVs) followed by weekly small-scale partial dictation (SSPD), a new listening module (SSPD Module) designed by her colleague, yielded similar magnitude of significant effect on his freshmen's listening comprehension as that of the researcher's large-scale partial dictation of an English radio program at normal speed (LSPD Module). Such similar magnitude of significant effect inspired the researcher to explore possible reasons for SSPD Module's efficacy. An individual interview was adopted to collect data on why and how SSPD Module was developed and conducted. Moreover, by comparing this study with several dictation-related studies, three possible reasons for SSPD Module's significant listening effect were identified: (a) dictation used as a teaching and testing tool to arouse students' awareness, (b) normal speed, and (c) long-period and regular SSPD of EWVs (15 weeks, 25 minutes per week). Furthermore, three conclusions were drawn from such comparison: (a) five to seven weeks of using SSPD of EWVs (15-40 minutes per week) as a teaching rather than testing tool could significantly enhance EWV knowledge/comprehension; (b) 15-17 weeks of using small-scale dictation (SSD) or SSPD (25-30 minutes per week) as a teaching or teaching-and-testing tool could significantly enhance overall listening comprehension; (c) eight or nine weeks of using LSPD (50-60 minutes per week) as a teaching and testing tool could significantly upgrade overall listening comprehension. Based on results of this study, both SSPD and LSPD Modules were suggested as effective in significantly boosting intermediate EFL university students' listening comprehension.本研究者在一次追蹤大一學生英文聽力發展狀況時發現一種由其同事自創的聽力教學模組(module),亦即在教完英語變化音(English word variations)之後每週給學生做小型部份聽寫(small-scale partial dictation),可使他所教的大一學生在一學期之後英文聽力進步分數與本研究者採用「大量部份聽寫英語廣播節目模組」(large-scale partial dictation of English radio programs,從此之後簡稱「大量部份聽寫模組」)所教授的大一學生之英聽進步分數近乎一樣多。如此相近的進步分數引發本研究者想一探究竟,為何「小型部份聽寫英語變化音模組」(從此之後簡稱「小型部份聽寫模組」)對大一學生的英聽也可產生如此大的成效。因此本研究者訪談此同事以瞭解他為何會設計此聽力教學模組及他是如何設計與實施之。此外,本研究者利用文獻回顧時比較本研究與其他八個與聽寫有關的研究,找出以下三個原因來解釋為何「小型部份聽寫模組」對提升英聽有顯著功效。原因一:當(部份)聽寫被用來當作一種既是教學也是測驗的工具時,它可以引起學生注意到聽寫不出來或聽寫錯誤的字。原因二:此模組使用的聽寫教材具有正常講話速度。原因三:此模組長期且每週定期的給學生做小型部份聽寫英語變化音(共15週,每週25分鐘)。再者,根據此次比較,本研究者得到以下三個結論。結論一:五至七週的使用小型部份聽寫(每週15-40分鐘)來教授或復習英語變化音可有效的幫助學生學習英語變化音的規則及聽懂句中的變化音。結論二:15至17週的採用小型(部份)聽寫(每週25-30分鐘)來教授、復習及/或測驗英語變化音可顯著提升學生整體的英文聽力。結論三:八至九週的使用「大量部份聽寫模組」(每週50-60分鐘)來教授、復習及測驗英文聽力也可顯著提升學生整體的英文聽力。最後本文建議英文老師可採用「小型部份聽寫模組」或「大量部份聽寫模組」來有效提升英文程度為中等之學生的英聽能力。
起訖頁 27-41
關鍵詞 單字切割單字辨識英語變化音部份聽寫英文聽力Word segmentationWord recognitionEnglish word variationsPartial dictationEnglish listening comprehension
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 201301 (10期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 影響台灣學生習得英語條件句之因素
該期刊-下一篇 自我效能感、溝通意願及英語口語能力相關研究




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