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The Correlation between EFL Learners' Vocabulary Size and Reading Performance in a Communication-oriented Language Proficiency Test
作者 黎俊甫黃春騰
This study investigates the correlation between EFL learners' vocabulary size and their reading performance in three reading tests of different natures. Previous research demonstrated the connection of vocabulary with academic reading performance, which requires CALP, while the connection with reading for general communication, which needs BICS, is unknown. Secondly, studies of the vocabulary sizes of the students at senior high school level revealed a need for a vocabulary test that is more sensitive to partial word knowledge as well as for an interpretation linked to the subjects' average proficiency levels. Last, a vocabulary threshold for the reading tests at A2 level of CEFR, if found, can facilitate the goal setting process for the learners at this level. So three research questions were raised: (1)How do the subjects perform in Nation's Vocabulary Level Test after receiving three years of junior high school instruction and one semester of senior high school instruction? (2) How will learner vocabulary size affect their performance in a communicative reading task (e.g. GET) in comparison with a more cognitive academic reading task (e.g. GEPT)? (3) What is the minimum vocabulary size range needed to achieve acceptable performance in the reading tests at level A2 of CEFR? The participants are 117 vocational high school 10th graders. The instruments are Modified Vocabulary Level Test, the GET reading test at A2 level, the GEPT reading test at Elementary level, and the KET reading test. Descriptive statistics, Pearson r correlation coefficients, and linear regression are used for analyzing the data. The results show: (1) The vocabulary sizes of the subjects fall on two ranges: between 1,125 ~ 1,375 and 1,500 ~ 1,750 word families. (2) The subjects' vocabulary size has a lower correlation with their performance in communication oriented reading tests, i.e., the GET reading test and the KET reading test (r= .684; r = .573); it has a higher correlation with an academic oriented reading test, i.e., the GEPT reading test (r = .779); vocabulary size accounts for less reading performance in the former two tests while more in the latter test. (3) The vocabulary size needed to pass the GET reading test is1,512 word families, the GEPT reading test 1,553 word families and the KET reading test 1,602 word families; the vocabulary threshold is task/test specific.本研究主要為探討以英語為外語的學習者字彙量與他們在三種不同特質的閱讀測驗表現之間的相關研究。過去研究證明了字彙量與學術導向的閱讀表現之間的關係,但字彙量與以溝通導向為主的閱讀表現則未明。再者,從過去研究中可發現,我們需要更高敏銳性的字彙測量工具來測試高中職程度的學習者,以便反映出他們對字彙的部份知識。我們也需要將他們的字彙表現和他們的整體平均程度做一併的解讀。最後,若能找出能通過歐洲語言共同參考架構(CEFR)A2級閱讀測驗的字彙量門檻,對學習者的目標訂定會有幫助。因此有三個研究問題需回答:(1)本研究的受試者在國中三年和一個學期的高職課程之後在Nation的字彙測驗表現如何?(2)受試者的字彙量對較著重學術和認知能力的閱讀測驗(如GEPT)表現與較著重溝通知能的閱讀測驗(如GET)表現有何不同影響?(3)欲通過歐洲語言共同參考架構(CEFR)A2級閱讀測驗的字彙量門檻是多少?受試者為117位高職一年級學生。使用工具為修改過的Nation字彙測驗、全球英檢(GET)A2級閱讀測驗、全民英檢(GEPT)初級閱讀測驗,以及劍橋英檢初級(KET)閱讀寫作測驗閱讀部份。分析資料用到基本敘述統計、皮爾森相關係數以及線性迴歸。本研究發現主要如下:(1)受試者字彙量集中於1,125~1,375字及1,500~1,750字兩個範圍之間。(2)受試者字彙量和以偏向溝通知能的閱讀測驗(如GET及KET)相關較低(r=.684;r=.573),和偏向學術認知能力的閱讀測驗(如GEPT)相關較高(r=.779)。字彙量對前兩者的影響略小於對後者的影響。(3)通過A2級全球英檢閱讀測驗的字彙量門檻為1,512字,通過全民英檢初級閱讀測驗的字彙量門檻為1,553字,而通過劍橋初級英檢的字彙量門檻為1,602字。所謂字彙量門檻隨不同測驗而有不同。
起訖頁 131-148
關鍵詞 字彙量閱讀表現字彙門檻歐洲語言共同參考架構Vocabulary sizeReading performanceVocabulary thresholdCEFR
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200807 (3期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 當學習者面對不同程度習題時學習策略的運用
該期刊-下一篇 「仲夏夜之夢」中戲中戲的「型塑幻境」




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