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Teaching Activities of Translation in Four Skills and Five Skills of Foreign Languages
作者 張水木
This essay is to focus the idea on teaching activities of translation in Four Skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) and in Five Skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, translating) , in which the translation role and translation function in foreign language class are more different since 1990s. From the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries up to now, the traditional foreign language teaching has taken the same model of native language teaching for a long time. And Four Skills are emphasized in teaching process, in which translation activities are informal and unlisted. From 1920s to 1980s, different teaching methodologies are created step by step, only the Grammar-Translation Method explained about the necessary translation in class in detail, another approaches or methods in foreign language classroom only have limited or supplementary teaching activities of translation. Therefore, teaching activities of translation in foreign language classroom have never played an important role in Four skills before 1990s. From 1980s to 1990s, translation competence and translation teaching have been more concerned than before. From 1990s up to now, international interaction and cross cultural communication are clearer than before, in which communism has gone down in 1990s and globalization has grown up at the same time. These are the changing time and turning point for the translation development in real life and in instructional indicator. Under the influence of this condition, Five Skills in teaching have become a new tendency, in which translation is equal with listening, speaking, reading and writing in foreign language classroom. Therefore Five Skills and Four Skills of teaching activities are developed and implemented side by side practically more than some decades before and after the late twentieth century.本文藉外語教學四技(聽說讀寫)並重及五技(聽說讀寫譯)並行的演進過程,簡述翻譯教學活動在外語教學課堂中所存在的角色及其所呈現的功能。傳統的外語教學模仿母語教學的模式,強調四技並重,翻譯並未列入,在各種外語教學方法論不斷推陳出新的發展中,唯獨文法翻譯法標示明顯的翻譯教學活動理念,在其他若干外語教學方法論中,雖仍述及少許翻譯教學活動理念,卻都不明顯或受限制,而實際在外語教學課堂中翻譯教學活動的多寡或有無則完全依教師的認定與決定而運行,因四技就是聽說讀寫,並無翻譯。自1980年代至1990年代,翻譯能力及翻譯教學普遍受到學術界及實務界的高度關注,而1990年代開始,國際政治之意識形態因共產主義之式微而解放,國際的互動緊密,交流頻繁,跨文化及跨語言的互通日益迫切,翻譯的急速需求也勢在必行,外語教學的模式乃隨時勢而逐漸演變成五技並行與四技並重並駕齊驅,在此情勢下,五技並行的外語教學過程中,翻譯教學活動是並列的項目,既正式又必須,故教師對翻譯教學活動的執行乃明顯而具體,對今後驗證英語教學的能力指標必然產生可預期之影響力。
起訖頁 73-80
關鍵詞 翻譯教學活動四技能五技能Teaching activities of translationFour skillsFive skills
刊名 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊  
期數 200607 (1期)
出版單位 英語文暨口筆譯學集刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣大學生在兩種自然口語類型相異詞比例及詞彙密度之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 紅樓夢之可譯性及其語義翻譯法與溝通式翻譯法之應用




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