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中醫藥雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Association between Body Constitution of Chinese Medicine and Acne in Male University Students
作者 陳美如 (Mei-Ju Chen)林睿珊 (Sunny Jui-Shan Lin)陳秋媛辜美安 (Malcolm Koo)
痤瘡是青少年常見皮膚病之一,西方醫學主要著眼於膚質、內分泌、細菌感染及生活習慣等因素。中醫則認為疾病的發生與體質和致病邪氣性密切相關。因此本研究目的在探討男性大學生痤瘡與中醫體質之關係。研究採用橫斷式研究設計向南部某大學之男性大學生進行問卷調查,以中醫體質量表將體質分類為陰虛、陽虛或痰濕瘀滯三大類。痤瘡嚴重程度則分為兩級。以羅吉斯迴歸進行分析與年齡、身體質量指數、中醫體質、壓力知覺量表分數、睡眠品質、飲食習慣、抽菸、喝酒及使用防曬用品之關係。結果顯示男性大學生中醫體質類型以含陰虛體質者較多(57%),同時具備2 或3 種的複合性體質者共有者佔38%。多變項羅吉斯迴歸分析結果發現,陰虛體質者罹患痤瘡,為非陰虛體質者之4.4 倍(p = 0.008),壓力知覺總分每增加一分,罹患痤瘡之勝算比增加11% (p = 0.006)。男性大學生應了解自身中醫體質,根據體質的徵候,調整生活習慣,維持陰陽平衡,以預防痤瘡的發生。Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder usually seen in adolescents. Western medicine mainly focuses on skin types, hormonal activities, bacterial infection, and lifestyle factors. On the other hand, Chinese medicine considers it as a disease originated from internal impairments. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between severity of acne and Chinese body constitution in male university students. A cross-sectional survey design was used to study 120 male students in a university located in south Taiwan. Chinese body constitution was classified into Yin deficiency (Yin Xu), Yang deficiency (Yang Xu), and damp phlegm stasis and stagnation (Tan Shi Yu Zhi). Acne was divided into two groups based on its severity. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between severity of acne and a number of factors including age, body mass index, Chinese body constitution, perceived stress levels, quality of sleep, dietary habits, smoking, alcohol use, and the use of sunscreen products. Results revealed that Yin Xu is the most common type of Chinese body constitution (57%) and 38% of the students were classified as having two or three types of Chinese body constitution. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the odds of having severe acne was 4.4 times (p = 0.008) in students with Yin Xu Chinese body constitution compared to those who were not. For every one unit of increase in perceived stress level, the odds of severe acne increased by 11% (p = 0.006). Students should be aware of their own Chinese body constitution and adjust their lifestyle to achieve Yin-Yang balance and prevent the occurrence of acne.
起訖頁 189-203
關鍵詞 阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症體質生活品質嗜睡Obstructive sleep apnea syndromeConstitutionQuality of lifeSleepiness
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 201412 (25:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 頭頸部腫瘤患者之體質證型在放射治療前後對體重變化的影響:前瞻性觀察型研究
該期刊-下一篇 淫羊藿減輕激素抑制HPAT軸的實驗與臨床




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