中文摘要 |
本案例為一名49 歲女性患者,自29 歲第一胎自然產後,開始出現漏尿的情形,只要咳嗽、大笑、打噴嚏、提重物、跑步、運動就會發作,十多年前曾經於他院診斷為應力性尿失禁,服西藥治療症狀未改善,此次於民國101 年3 月至本院中醫部求診,中醫辨證為脾腎兩虛,處方以益氣補腎為主,左歸丸與補中益氣湯複方治療一週後,患者自述漏尿情形已大幅改善,續給予開立一週的中藥。兩個月後患者因為月經週期不規律再次前來求診,並自述期間漏尿症狀已沒有再發生,此為中藥發揮補益功能,調治尿失禁之有效案例。This is a case of 49-year-old female who had suffered from involuntary leakage of urine after initial pregnancy with normal vaginal delivery when she was 29 years old. Coughing, laughing, sneezing, heavy lifting, running, intense exercise will attack. She had visited outpatient of urology and took the medicine for the stress incontinence but in vain 10 years ago. Thus she came to our Chinese medicine out-patient department for help on March, 2012. After consultation, I prescribed the Chinese medicine with nourishing kidney and Qi therapy for the pattern of deficiency of the spleen and kidney. One week after taking the medicine, the symptom of urinary incontinence was improved substantially. Then I continued to use the same prescription for another 7 days. Two months later, she had visited again for treatment of irregular menstrual cycle. She said that she had not suffered from incontinence in the recent 2 months period. This is a successful case of urinary incontinence with traditional Chinese medicine. |