中文摘要 |
《神農本草經》的考證研究,已完成「上品藥」、「中品藥」,本次繼續進行「下品藥」之研究。首先仍將藥物分類為:植物(72 種)、礦石(7 種)、動物(6 種)、魚貝(2 種)、昆蟲(14 種)、其他(2 種)等六大類,共計「下品藥」有103 種,其中許多藥物皆具有毒性,如烏頭、半夏、大黃、莨菪子、藜蘆、鉤吻、恆山、大戟、狼牙、羊躑躅、商陸等,也曾被列於《本草綱目》草部毒草類。《本經》「下品藥」據現代研究也證實,大多有毒,尚未被定義出基原者有4 種:雚菌、羊桃、烏韭、藥實根;藥物「一物數名」具有相同基原者,如:烏頭- 附子- 天雄、恆山- 蜀漆、腐婢- 赤小豆;另「有名無實」1 種,粉錫。本考察「下品藥」類藥物,大部分為「多毒,主治病,不可久服」。《神農本草經》上、中、下三品皆以考證詳實的孫氏版為依據,並運用當今的學術文獻,完成《神農本草經》現代的藥物的考證,有助於中醫藥國際化。The textual research for Latin names and medicinal effects of Shennongbencaojing, after Top Grade and Medium Grade, the Low Grade Drugs was studied. The Low Grade Drugs were divided, in the same way for Top and Medium Grade Drugs, into 6 groups and their drugs number were also shown in the following order: Plant (72 drugs), Mineral (7 drugs), Animal (6 drugs), Fish and Shellfish (2 drugs), Insect (14 drugs) and Other (2 drugs). The number of Low Grade Drugs in Sun’s edition was summed up to 103. In this study, many drugs were considered to be toxic such as: Aconitum carmichaeli (No. 1), Pinellia ternata (No. 4), Rheum palmatum (No. 7), Hyoscyamus niger (No. 10), Veratrum nigrum (No. 13), Gelsemium elegans (No. 14), Dichroa febrifuga (No. 17), Euphorbia pekinensis (No. 24), Agrimonia pilosa (No. 29), Rhododendron molle (No. 30), Phytolacca acinosa (No. 31) etc. They were also listed in the Poisonous Weeds Class of Compendium of Materia Medica. Modern research has confirmed that most of the Low Grade Drugs are toxic as well. For four drugs, Guanjun (No. 22), Yangtao (No. 37), Wujiu (No. 41) and Yaoshigen (No. 64) their botanical names have not yet been defined. Some drugs might have different medicinal names by various used parts but were originated in the same scientific name. For example, Fuzi (Aconiti Lateralis Preparata Radix, No. 1), Wutou (Aconiti Radix, No. 2) and Tianxiong (Radix Aconiti Singularis, No. 3) are originated from Aconitum carmichaeli. Hengshan (Radix Dichroae, No. 17) and Shuqi (Cacumen Dichroae Febrifugae, No. 18) are originated from Dichroa febrifuga. Fubi (flower, No. 69) and Choxiaodou (bean, in Medium Grade) are originated from Vigna umbellata. Moreover, there is one drug that its name does not match with its constituent. It is Fenxi (No. 4, in Minerals). This study was conducted with modern scientific academic skills and still based on Sun’s edition of Shennongbencaojing which was examined thoroughly and faithfully. The conclusion conformed to the description of Low Grade Drugs in original Shennongbencaojing: “Drugs mainly used for treating disease, with more toxic, not suitable for long-term used”. We hope the completion of this textual research for Top, Medium, and Low Grade Drugs of Shennongbencaojing can help to promote the internationalization of Chinese medicine. |