中文摘要 |
記憶力及其他智能逐漸減退之失智症患者,在台灣人口的逐漸高齡化已有急遽上升的趨勢。本研究利用具有滋腎、明目、去虛勞作用的枸杞子,以不同溶劑萃取所得的枸杞子溶液餵食1 月齡之老化促進小白鼠(senescence accelerated mice ;SAM ),探討其學習記憶能力之影響作用。實驗為期18 週,期間進行活動量(open field activity )、單次被動迴避試驗(single-trailpassive avoidance test )及主動迴避試驗(active shuttle avoidance test )後,將動物犧牲進行腦部組織病理觀察研究。結果顯示,在學習記憶能力方面,不論雄性或雌性小白鼠在單次被動迴避或主動迴避測試,實驗組雖較控制組在學習記憶能力具有改善之傾向,但是並不顯著。在腦部組織病理變化上,不論在腦幹或者是海馬迴,對雄性或雌性小白鼠餵食枸杞子粗抽物溶液,均具有改善之傾向。由本研究之結果得知,餵食枸杞子粗抽物溶液,對老化促進小白鼠學習記憶能力上有改善之傾向,值得未來做進一步的探討及研究其相關性。In this research, we attempt to investigate the effect of Lycii fructus (Kao-Chi-Zu) extracts on learning and memory and aged of one-month-old senescence accelerated mice (SAM). First of all, the Lycii fructus were extracted with water, water and 95% ethanol (1:1, v/v) and 95% ethanol, respectively. The study was proceeded by feeding the declined mice with different concentration drink for 18 weeks. The open field activity, single trail passive test and active shuttle avoidance test were conducted during the experiment, and then the mice were sacrificed to analyze the biochemical parameters and to observe the brain histopathology. The result showed, the extracts of Lycii fructus have a better improvement in learn-ing and memory ability, but have no significant difference neither in single trial passive avoidance test nor active shuttle avoidance test between examined group and control group for male or female mice. It was improvement to feed the extracted solution of Lycii fructus in brain and hippocampus for male and female mice. To sum up, the extracts of Lycii fructus have the improving effect in learning and memory ability of SAM. The study should be proceeded to get more information in the future. |