中文摘要 |
本文陳述嚴謹之臨床針灸試驗,多應用RCT (Randomized controlled trials ,隨機對照試驗),並界定針刺定義,有對照組,採用雙盲設計,病人要逢機分組,方可得出值得信賴的數據,藉以評估針刺的療效。並舉針刺對藥癮、愛滋病患者之臨床試驗為例以說明之。This article suggests the randomized controlled trials (RCT) are good ways to produce objective data for needle acupuncture clinical research. Thus, to have a clear definition of needle acupuncture method, to have a control group, to have double blind design and to divide patients randomizedly are the major components. Recently, several clinical acupuncture trials for HIV infected and drug dependent patients were published. The significance for these publications is that the studies applied RCT design. They generated scientific data, which could be used to evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness of needle acupuncture. |