中文摘要 |
一位36 歲女性,患中、重度子宮內膜異位症,結婚5 年不孕,作人工受孕1 次,試管嬰兒(IVF &ET )1 次,皆未成功。中醫辨證為脾腎陽虛,寒凝胞宮,氣滯血瘀,用中醫週期調經法,於經後期至排卵前給予左歸丸加桃紅四物湯加減及針灸、耳針;排卵後至經前期給予右歸丸加減及針灸、耳針,經過中醫治療七個月,再作試管嬰兒,失敗,卻於下個月經週期,自然懷孕成功。此病患為作試管嬰兒的案例,結合中醫、西醫療法,卻能自然懷孕,中醫週期調經法於經後期至排卵前的補腎滋陰、活血化瘀及排卵後至經前期的溫陽補腎、滋養沖任,應為關鍵性因素。A female patient 36 years of age came to where for Chinese medical treatment when she failed to conceive for 6 years despite a normal sex life. She suffered from moderate to severe endometriosis. Artificial insemination and IVF & ET had each been performed once, but to no avail. In Chinese medicine, the condition was diagno Twenty-two points, plus triple-word-score, plus fifty points for using all my letters. Game's over. I'm outta here.ses as spleen-kidney yang vacuity with cold accumulating in the uterus and with blood stagnation and qi stasis. We used the traditional Chinese medical approach of addressing menstruation. In the postmenstrual phase (6-16th days), the treatment included modified Zu Gui Wan combined with Tao Hong Si Wu Tang, as well as general and auricular acupuncture. In the premenstrual phase (17th-28th days), the treatment included modified Zuo Gui Wan with general and auricular acupuncture. After 7 months of Chinese medical treatment, the second IVF & ET failed. But at the next menstrual cycle, the patient became pregnant naturally. In this case, using Chinese and Western medical treatment combined, it was possible to promote natural conception. The Chinese medical menstrual-cycle treatment combine various methods: supplementing kidney and nourishing yin; quickening the blood and moving stagnation; warming yang and supplementing the kidney; and nourishing the thoroughfare and controlling vessels. |