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台灣原住民族研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

作者 陳枝烈
行政院原住民族委員會已正式公告,於民國101 年擇定中部阿美族、卑南族、北排灣三個學區設立「實驗型第三學期制民族學校」(後來在政策上改為部落學校,本文以下均稱部落學校),到底這樣的學校其真正的屬性及經營運作會是什麼,數月以來,部落與媒體頗為關注,故迭有所討論,顯見此一議題的重要,研究者深覺有必要將部落學校具體的各面向加以介紹。部落學校不同於一般教育的學校,學校的經營模式、目標、師資、課程與教學、招生是最屬重要的,也是部落學校顯現其特質之所在的。自民國100 年以來行政院原民會已進行了一年多的規劃,相關的內容已有了大致的結果。因此,本研究以台灣原住民族部落學校發展現況為題,旨在根據部落學校規劃期間的第一手相關檔案與會議紀錄,歸納分析出部落學校設立之緣起、以及部落學校各層面校務之規劃現況,希冀一方面能提供讓各界認識部落學校,一方面能讓各界對部落學校之發展提供建言,使其更臻健全。The council of Indigenous Peoples in the Executive Yuan has officially announced that in 2012 three schools, in the areas of the Central Amis, Puyuma, and Northern Paiwan, are to be selected to establish Tribal Schools in order to carry out the related policies. The Press and the tribes are very concerned about the orientation of such schools and how will they be operated and managed. It seems to the researcher that there is a need to introduce the uniqueness of Tribal Schools. Tribal Schools are different from general schools, particularly in terms of their operational model, educational goals, teachers, curricula, instruction and students. These are the unique features of ethnic schools. Since 2011, the council of Indigenous Peoples has been planning these schools and has announced the tentative results of this planning process. Based on first hand documents and the meeting memoranda during this planning period of Tribal Schools, this study is focused on the recent developments to analyze their origins and their present condition, in order to provide the foundation for a better understanding of Tribal Schools and open discussions about their development.
起訖頁 147-168
關鍵詞 原住民民族教育部落學校Indigenous EducationTribal Schools
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201312 (6:4期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
該期刊-上一篇 台灣原住民文學的逆寫策略:以小說《玉山魂》為例




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