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Tjaquvuquvulj 的散與聚:跨部落集體性的多重再現
Reunion and Dispersal of Tjaquvuquvulj: representing supra-tribal collectiveness in historical narratives
作者 童元昭葉神保
本文在討論台灣原住民的歷史展演等活動中,藉由對過去的記憶與詮釋,與當下的時刻聯繫起來,為後人在時間上與空間上尋求定位,以求群體意識的延續。原住民歷史受限於文字歷史的觀點,而長久未能發展。近年因原住民學者的研究累積,自我書寫與歷史主體性出現實踐的可能。本文視歌舞劇、祭儀展演與博物館展示為歷史敘說的形式,分析近年大龜文/內文社群具歷史再現意義的活動,包括歌舞劇「宗親的印記」、「大龜文王國五年祭」與「遙吟enelja 榮耀vuvu獅子鄉大龜文古文物返鄉特展」。大龜文的歷史再現具有三個特點:(1)凝聚分散的後人;(2)連結遷徙地的其他人群;(3)強調祖先榮光。這些歷史再現的活動實際上也是認同的行動。經由搜尋、整理與詮釋過去,大龜文社群的後人發展出對當前處境的理解與對未來的期望。Tjaquvuquvulj, a group consisting of 23 settlements, is considered to be the Southern Paiwanese. Historically, Tjaquvuquvulj organized Maljeveq to commemorate their origin in the north every five years. Neighboring groups either related to or subordinated to Tjaquvuquvulj’s two chief families participated in Maljeveq. Tjaquvuquvulj were dispersed over a large landscape during ordinary days but were reunited during the time of Maljeveq. This rhythm was broken when the Japanese colonial government began to relocate some of the groups and put an end to Maljeveq in the late 1930s. The Tjaquvuquvulj remained dispersed until the 2000s when a musical of the historical dispersal was performed and interpreted as a consequence of local resistance to the Japanese pacification policies of 1914. In the play, the original unity of Tjaquvuquvulj was symbolized by four brothers, represented by four connected human heads, a common motif for the Southern Paiwanese. Maljeveq was also reenacted in the mid 2000s, as part of a two-day conference. The heir to one of the two chiefly families officiated after many years of absence with people from different counties, townships and villages participating. After nearly 70 years, Tjaquvuquvulj reemerged in the form of a performance. Although there has been a wave of the revival of Taiwanese Austronesian cultures, partially aimed at promoting tourism, the Tjaquvuquvulj are developing a dialogue among themselves. Through historical narratives, ritual enactments and museum displays, the Tjaquvuquvulj intend to bridge the gap in time and space with their ancestors and it has been found that reconnecting dispersed descendents and descendents with ancestors, connecting descendents with their local hosts in their new homes, and the lofty achievements of ancestors are the main themes resonating in all these actions. Historical representations served as acts of identification helping to position the descendents of the Tjaquvuquvulj group in the present.
起訖頁 39-75
關鍵詞 大龜文王國內文社群歷史再現南番事件五年祭博物館展示PaiwanTjaquvuquvuljNeibonhistorical representationMaljeveqmuseum displays
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201312 (6:4期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
該期刊-上一篇 探討排灣族習慣法中有關正義的概念與實踐
該期刊-下一篇 選舉競爭、政治賦權與原住民投票參與:2008與2012立委選舉的總體資料分析




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