中文摘要 |
隨著多哈發展回合談判陷入僵局,多邊貿易體制面臨嚴峻挑戰。在此背景下,國際經貿規則發展呈現出新的趨勢,區域化、拓展化和差異化現象在國際經貿規則發展中愈發凸顯。經濟全球化背景下國際經貿規則的發展動向已然深刻地影響到我國對外交往的策略選擇。基於此,我國需要形成清晰系統的對外經貿戰略思路和立場:以發展中國家利益為立足點,積極捍衛多邊經貿體制的既有成果,並統籌發展具有重要戰略意義和地緣優勢的區域貿易安排,以制度保障我國經濟的可持續發展。With the deadlock of the Doha Development Round negotiations, global trading system is facing serious challenges. In this context , international economic rules witness changes, with regionalization. Expan-sion and defferentiation phenomena prevailing. In view of economic globalization the trend of international eco-nomic rules already profoundly affected the strategic ehoice of China's foreign relatons. Based on the investi-gation, China's foreign economic strategy should be built up. While insisting on the position of developing countries, China should support and secure the achievements of multilateral trde system. and take advantage of regional trade arrangements. so as to safeguard the sustainable development of economy. |