中文摘要 |
第十一屆全國人民代表大會第五次會議通過了《關於修改<中華人民共和國刑事訴訟法>的決定》(即《刑事訴訟法修正案》),明文規定在《刑事訴訟法》第二編第二章第七節後增加第八節“技術偵查措施”。但是,《刑事訴訟法修正案》在技術偵查措施的立法技術上採取了“概括授權”的方式,即僅籠統規定偵查機關對於危害國家安全犯罪、恐怖活動犯罪、黑社會性質的組織犯罪、重大毒品犯罪或者其他嚴重危害社會的犯罪案件,根據偵查犯罪的需要,經過嚴格的的批准手續,有權採取技術偵查措施,而並未明確列舉可採取的技術偵查措施的具體種類和手段。與此相關,《刑事訴訟法修正案》在“技術偵查措施”這一章節下同時授權公安機關為了查明案情,在必要的時候,經公安機關負責人決定,可以由有關人員隱匿其身份實施偵查,此即“喬裝偵查措施”。問題在於,《刑事訴訟法修正案》在喬裝偵查措施的立法技術上同樣採取了概括授權的方式,除列舉性地規定了作為喬裝偵查方式之一的“控制下交付”之外,並未在立法上明文列舉喬裝偵查措施的具體類型和方式,其結果是造成《刑事訴訟法修正案》中“技術偵查措施”、“喬裝偵查措施”等基礎概念含義不清、相關法條內容模糊,減損了法條的可操作性,威脅到司法的確定性,可能直接或間接地衝擊《刑事訴訟法》保障人權和打擊犯罪的終極目的。《刑事訴訟法修正案》施行在即,上述基礎概念的界定問題不解決,司法實務中將無法正確操作《刑事訴訟法修正案》中與“技術偵查措施”和“喬裝偵查措施”相關的程序與制度。因此,應運用法律解釋的方法對“技術偵查措施”和“喬裝偵查措施”這兩個基礎性概念進行規範解釋,勘定“技術偵查措施”和“喬裝偵查措施”的合理內涵與外延The Bill of Alteration of the Criminal Procedural Act of the PRC (i.e., the Amendment to the Criminal Procedural Act) passed at the fifth session of the The 11th National People's Congress, expressly provide Section 8, technical investigative measures, after Section 7 of Chapter 2 of Part 2 in the Criminal Procedure Law. However, the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law adopted generalized authorization in legislative technique. That means after a strict approval procedures investigative organization could take the technical investigation measures fo endangering national security、terrorist crimes、mafia-type organized crimes、gravely drug crimes and any other serious crimes, if necessary. But, specific types and measures of the technical investigation were not named. Related to this in the investigative measures under this section of the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law also authorize the public security organs, in order to ascertain the case, with the decision of the head of the public security, the relevant officers could invest with their identity be hided. That is disguising investigative measures. The problem is that the amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law also adopted generalized authorization in legislative technique. As the one way of the disguising investigation, controlled-delivery was listed, other types and measures of the disguising investigation were not named. The result is that the basic concepts, such as“ technical investigation” and ”disguising investigation” measures in the amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law and related legal provisions were not clear and weakened in operability. It is also a threat to the certainty of administration of justice. It may directly or indirectly impact the ultimate purpose of the Criminal Procedure Law which is to protect human rights and the fight against crime. The amendment of criminal procedure law is going into effect. Hence, on the verge of enforcing the Amendment, it is necessary for us to employ as a key measure interpretation to construe the significant concepts of tech investigation and disguised investigation and demark exactly their connotations and denotations. |