中文摘要 |
司法解釋對性侵未滿12週歲幼女所作的「明知」認定,仍然是主客觀相統一的體現。應當體係性地理解司清解釋的上下文內容,而不能單獨抽取某個表述孤立看待性。侵未滿12週歲幼女主觀明知的司法解釋是堅守實體法中的罪過原則與程序法中的合理推定相結合的產物。該解釋屬於推定責任而非嚴格責任,這一合理定位既能使其與責任主義相融合而不致產生排異現象,同時又能在秩序維護與權利保障之間實現關係均衡。The latest judicial opinion, 'a person who having sexual reations with a girl under the age of 12 should be deemed as 'is fully aware of ' the girl is a young girl', has drawn great attention to the issue whether the concept of strict liability has been established in Chinese criminal law. The mens rea principle is necessary to satisfy the basic requirement for the modern criminal law of resonsibility ideology, and to determin whether the offense intentionally relies on identifying the actor's subjective awareness. Strict liability is on the decline in most countries' criminal law, while strengthening the utilitarian value position does not prove that strict liability cna survive in chinese criminal justice. |