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The Ximing as the Orthodox Interpretation of the Xiaojing ? New Discourse on the Relationship between Humanity and Filial Piety during the Late Ming
作者 呂妙芬 (Miaw-fen Lu)
本文主要討論晚明陽明後學的仁孝論述有別於程、朱之見解,傾向將孝提昇到形上本體的高度,強調仁孝無別。他們的看法影響了《孝經》和《論語》的註釋,也拉近了〈西銘〉和《孝經》的關係。論文主要分為二部分,第一部分討論從宋到晚明〈西銘〉詮釋史的變化,指出程、朱對〈西銘〉的詮釋是最主流的看法,他們認為〈西銘〉主旨不在說孝,孝只是譬喻,旨在說仁;但從晚明開始,愈來愈多學者以〈西銘〉註釋《孝經》,〈西銘〉成為說孝的重要文本。論文第二部分則希望對此變化提出一些學術史的解釋脈絡,除了說明當時《孝經》學的復興是重要學術背景外,也進一步討論陽明後學對孝的解釋,並考查歷代學者對《論語》「孝弟也者,其為仁之本與」的註釋,發現註釋內容在晚明亦有呼應的變化,同樣反映了陽明後學的仁孝論述。This article discusses how late Ming Yangming scholars tended to equate filial piety with the humanity of human nature, which differed from the views of Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi. The Yangming scholars' more metaphysical views influenced contemporary interpretations of the Xiaojing (Classic of filial piety) and the Analects, and also led to a new understanding of the text Ximing (Western inscription). The article is divided into two parts. The first part investigates the changes in the history of the interpretations of the Ximing and points out that, beginning from the late Ming, linking the Ximing with the Xiaojing became very popular. Scholars even claimed the Ximing as the orthodox interpretation of the Xiaojing. Within this context, filial piety became the central meaning of the Ximing, which differed from the Cheng-Zhu understanding of the text as mainly about humanity, not filial piety. This also indicates a change in views about the relationship between filial piety and humanity. The second part aims to explain the change by providing some historical and intellectual context, such as the revival of the studies of the Xiaojing and the new discourse about filial piety contributed by Yangming scholars. I also investigate the interpretations of the relationship between humanity and filial piety in the Analects to provide further evidence about the concomitant changes in the same period and the influence of the new discourse.
起訖頁 139-172
關鍵詞 西銘孝經論語XimingXiaojingAnalectsHumanityFilial piety
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200809 (33期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「有情」的歷史--抒情傳統與中國文學現代性
該期刊-下一篇 藥地愚者禪學思想蠡探--從「眾藝五明」到「俱鎔一味」




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