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The Talented Women of the Zuo Clan of Yanghu and Their Family Relationships
作者 林玫儀
清代女作家的分布具有家族性、地域性及群體性。由於女性之生活面相對狹小,故其作品中多與家人及親友相涉,相對而言,其家人、友朋作品中之相關記載,則可取以相互印證或補充,是以研究清代女作家,應從家族及群體之角度入手,方能見其全面。本文要旨在釐清左氏二代才女之親屬關係,以作為研究諸人作品及其互動關係之基礎。研究方法是以左錫璇、左錫嘉及曾懿、曾彥兩對姊妹之作品為主,輔以其他親人之著作及宗譜,透過文獻蒐集整理、作品分析比對、親屬關係系聯等方法,建構其家族關係表,並對相關問題提出討論。Family, locality and community are important factors in the distribution of Qing women writers. Because the life circle of women was relatively narrower than men's, the works of women writers during the Qing Dynasty were mostly related to their families and friends, who were also writers. Comparing the works of these family and friends helps us understand the writers' world by making these relations more comprehensive. The Zuo clan of Yanghu produced many important women writers, and we can study them through their families and communities. They include the sisters Zuo Xijia and Zuo Xixuan, and the former's daughters Zeng Yi and Zeng Yan. By way of material arrangement, work analysis and family connections, this paper focuses on the family lives of these women writers, and their interactions with various family members, as well as the construction of a chart outlining the family relationships within the Zuo clan.
起訖頁 179-222
關鍵詞 左錫璇左錫嘉曾懿曾彥才女家族關係Zuo XixuanZuo XijiaZeng YiZeng YanCainuTalented womanFamily relationships
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200703 (30期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 梆子腔新探
該期刊-下一篇 西學之子--容閎與新島襄的異國經驗與文化認同




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