中文摘要 |
從十四世紀元期政府尊奉朱熹(1130-1200)的《四書章句集注》為科舉讀本以後,朱熹所代表的程、朱道學學派一直影響著中國人對孔子的認識。朱注固然有其不可磨減的啟蒙價值,但是朱熹心中的孔子卻並不一定跟歷史上的孔子盡同。本文以《論語.子罕.子在川上》章為本,希望從朱熹對此章的闡發管窺他對孔子的性情所堅持的一偏的體會。本文先分析宋代程、朱道學如何觀照和闡釋此章,然後再從西漢董仲舒說起,全面探討程、朱以前以及兩宋學者對川水上的孔子的不同看法。這些程、朱以外的看法足以證明程、朱一派的道學闡發的一偏之見,而其中有些看法更能夠掌握孔子在川上的一番心情與精神。From the fourteenth century until the end of the 20th century, Zhu Xi's Collected Commentaries on the Four Books was one of the standard texts for the civil service examination; consequently the interpretations of Zhu Xi exerted a profound and widespread influence on how Chinese people came to understand Confucius as a person. In spite of the heuristic value of its insights, the image of Confucius as portrayed in Zhu's Collected Commentaries is not necessarily identical to what the Analects itself may suggest. This article, focusing on Analects 9.17, attempts to highlight one important difference between these two portrayals of Confucius. Through an exhaustive and critical examination of the interpretations of this interesting passage in the Analects from the Han to the Song dynasty, it shows that the humanity of Confucius was transformed into an embodiment of the ontological character of the Dao. |