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Supplements and Corrections to Weng Fanggang nianpu
作者 陳鴻森
翁方綱(1733-1818)為清代乾嘉時期代表性學者之一,其金石、書畫、詞章之學,擅名一代;書法尤絕一時,為世所重。治經,與當時學者細究訓詁名物者異趣,然其說頗有宏通之論、救弊之言,要其固一代文士之雄也。有關翁氏生平、行實、著述,渠自撰有《翁氏家事略記》一編,頗為詳竅。近沈津教授復益以所見翁氏題跋、手札墨跡,及臺北國家圖書館所藏《復初齋詩文集》手稿本等,條分件繫,纂成《翁方綱年譜》一書。其書經營,前後長達三、四十年,積功既深,所見尤廣,於翁氏事蹟,鉤稽考索,鉅細靡遺,可謂大觀。顧載籍極博,眼目難周,翁氏撰述復極繁夥,考年徵事,間有違失,自所不免。沈君另輯有《翁方綱題跋手札集錄》一書,其中翁氏與諸友書札,年月事實,沈《譜》尚多闕略。今即所見,訂訛補闕,几補正二百五十事,倘亦讀沈君書者之一助歟。An acclaimed scholar of the Qianlong and Jiaqing periods, Weng Fanggang (1733-1818) was celebrated for his achievements in epigraphy, painting, calligraphy, and literature. Weng was particularly renowned for his mastery of calligraphy. His scholarship in Confucian classics was also outstanding, differing from that of his contemporaries, which boasted philological and evidential findings. He addressed larger issues, concerning the problems faced by the country. In his self-edited Wengshi jiamen lueji, Weng gives accounts of his life, deeds, and writings. Based on this book and other prefaces, postscripts, notes, and calligraphies by Weng, as well as Weng's Fuchuzhai shiwenji (in manuscript form, now in the holdings of Taipei's National Library), Shen Jin recently published Weng Fanggang nianpu (The Chronological Biography of Weng Fanggang). It is a result of close to four decades of research and labor, a truly impressive scholarly work that contributes greatly to our knowledge of Weng's life and works. Given the size of Weng's own writings and the range of materials that Shen drew on, there are bound to be lacunae or errors in the Chronological Biography. For example, materials and information from Weng Fanggang tiba shouzha jilu-a collection of Weng's prefaces, postscripts, notes, and letters, also edited by Shen-are not entirely incorporated into the Chronological Biography. As an aid to Shen's readers, my paper supplements or corrects about 250 dates or facts that are recorded in Weng Fanggang tiba shouzha jilu, but are missing or mistaken in the Chronological Biography.
起訖頁 287-348
關鍵詞 翁方綱沈津翁方綱年譜年譜Weng FanggangShen JinWeng Fanggang nianpu
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200409 (25期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 能量的吸血主義--李歐塔、傅柯、德勒茲與中國房中術




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