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Yang Kui and Nyuta Haruhiko on the Friendship between a Taiwanese Proletarian Novelist and a Police Officer in the Service of the Colonial Government
作者 張季琳
楊逵是日據時期臺灣重要日語作家之一,一九三四年,他以日文小說〈送報伏〉獲得日本文學獎項,成為臺灣第一位踏入日本文壇的作家口在他晚年的自述中,提及幾位對他個人生活和文學生涯有決定性影響的日本友人,年輕的臺灣總督府日本警察入田春彥(1909-1938)就是其中一位。入田閒暇時致力於文學創作,曾投稿於臺中出版的日文報紙。楊造和入田春彥的友誼,起於一九三七年的秋天,這位年輕的警察因閱讀〈送報伏〉而有極深的印象,進去拜訪楊逞,並致贈月薪兩倍的紅款一百圓。貧困與病痛交集的楊逞,如果沒有入田春彥的經濟資助,無疑地將無法繼續其文學活動。這份友情持續約九個月之久,直到一九三八年五月,入田春彥因被兔職,而以自殺結束生命。楊遠與入田春彥交往的時間雖極短暫,卻為楊遠的文學生涯帶來重大轉機。特別是入田春彥將魯迅介紹給楊逵這一件事,使使得入回春彥的出現,具有特殊意義。因此,本文嘗試調查入田春彥的出身、經歷、背景和自殺情形,並揭開入田春彥如何將魯迅文學介紹給楊遠的謎底,從而確認入田春彥對楊逵的影響,比歷來所能想像的更大、更多。An important figure in the literary movement of modern Taiwan, Yang Kui (1905-1985) produced several excellent novels in Japanese during the colonial period. 'A Newsboy,' one of his most acclaimed, earned him a literary prize from an important Japanese journal in 1934. In a talk late in his life he mentioned Nyuta Haruhiko (1909-1938), one of his Japanese friends who exerted decisive influence on him. Once a young police officer under Taiwan's Japanese colonial rule, Nyuta devoted his leisure to literature and contributed some pieces to Japanese newspapers based in Taizhong. Yang and Nyuta's friendship began in the autumn of 1937, when Nyuta, who had read ''A Newsboy' and been deeply impressed by it, paid Yang a visit and presented him with a large amount of money. Yang had been suffering from illness and financial difficulties; without the economic aid from Nyuta, his literary career would certaialy have been thwarted. This friendship lasted for about nine months, until May 1938 when Nyuta committed suicide. This unusual friendship between an anti-colonialist Taiwanese novelist and a Japanese police officer, who was, in a sense, an agent of Japanese colonialism, deserves critical attention. In this article the author tries to investigate the life of Nyuta and the circumstances leading to his suicide, and to throw light on the significance of this brief but vital friendship in the development of Yang's literary career. The author argues that it was Nyuta who initiated Yang to the contemporary trend of Chinese literature represented by Lu Xun.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 楊逵臺灣作家入田春彥魯迅作品Yang KuiTaiwanese writerNyuta HaruhikoLu Xun's literary writings
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200303 (22期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-下一篇 Between Self-Indulgence and Self-Restraint - Tao Qian's 'Quieting the Passions'




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