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Pharmacognostical Study of a Counterfeit Cordyceps Retailed in Hong Kong
作者 畢培曦 (Paul Pui-Hay But)馬平
A counterfeit Cordyceps (Dongchong Xiacao) was found retailed in certain high-class health food stores in Hong Kong and is expected to he found also in Taiwan and overseas since Hong Kong is a major entrepot of Chinese medicines. A combination of morphological and anatomical studies of the counterfeit and genuine samples of Cordyceps as well as fresh materials of the rhizome and stem of Stachys geobombycis C.Y. Wu (Labiatae) was conducted. The latter herb is known as Guangdong Chongcao in southern China. The results led to the conclusion that the 'larval body' of the counterfeit was derived from the underground rhizome of S.geohombycis by drying and subsequent rolling into a rod-shaped structure of somewhat uniform diameter and coated with a yellow pigment or powder. The 'fungal portion' of the counterfeit attached to one end of the 'larval body' was derived from a segment of the stein of the same plant, which was cooked and blackened, to imitate the fungal portion of genuine Cordyceps. Soaking the counterfeit in water would cause the yellow coating to precipitate off the 'larval body' and revive the dried rhizome to its original form which is whitish and bearing distinct circular nodes and lateral buds. Cross-sections of the 'larval body' and 'fungal portion' of the counterfeit also revealed anatomical profiles characteristic of the rhizome and stem of S.geobombycis, respectively. Photographs of the herbs and micrographs of the cross-sections are presented to facilitate identification.
起訖頁 259-264
關鍵詞 冬蟲夏草地蠶生藥鑒定CordycepsStachys geobombycisPharmacognostical study
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199512 (6:4期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 針刺合谷穴對體感覺誘發電位正波300的影響
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣產生藥「桶鉤藤」之生藥學的研究




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