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Development of Natural Crude Drug Resources from Taiwan (Ⅸ)-Pharmacognostical Studies on the Crude Drug "Ding-Kia-U"
作者 林俊清顏銘宏
登豎杇為我國傳統生藥之一,以“天芥菜”之名首錄於本草綱目,其後在明、清兩代之本草典籍中多有記載。登豎杇亦為本省常用之民間藥,又名“燈豎村”、“小本燈豎杇”、“紅燈豎杇”、“地斬頭”、“地膽草”、“毛連茶”等等,能解熱、利尿、消瘡、去毒,民間常用治腎炎、肺炎、肝炎、顏面手足浮腫、肺膿瘍、頭痛、胃腸炎等。有關台灣產登豎杇之基源,據佐佐木、甘、許等人之調查,認為係菊科(Compositae)植物Elephantopus scaber L.(=E. scaber L. Subsp. oblanceolata K(下標 ITAMURA))之全草,但未獲證實。此外,據許鴻源之調查,尚發現登豎杇原植物在香港市場被稱為蒲公英使用。經本研究小組收集全省各地市售之登豎杇市場品及現地之調查採集,發現有異於上述法源之植物被充做登豎杇使用,其基源及名稱非常混亂。為究明本省市售登豎杇之基源,確保其藥效,開發藥物新資源而著手生藥學之研究。依比較組織學之實驗結果,證實了台灣產登豎杇之基源為下列植物之全草或地上部:1) Ele-phantopus scaber L. subsp. Oblanceolata KITAMURA, 2) E. mollis H.B.K. 3) Pseudoelephantopus spicatus (JUSS. ) ROHR。此外,依本草綱目、野菜博錄、救荒本草等典籍之記載說明及附圖植物之特徵,推證了本草內所求登豎杇之基源為E. scaber L. 之全草。
”Ding-kia-u” (登豎村) is one of the famous folk medicines in Taiwan for the treatment of edema, dampness, hepatitis, bronchitis, fever and cough from pneumonia, arthralgia due to wind, etc. In Taiwan market, the origin of ”Ding-kia-u” was said to be the entire plant of Elephantopus scaber L. (=E. scaber subsp. L. oblanceolata Kitamura) of Compositae. But in our investigation, some other species of ”Ding-kia-u” were surely available. In order to determine its botanical origin, a comparative anatomical study was carried out on ”Ding-kia-u” in Taiwan. The results of external and internal characteristics indicated that the origins of ”Ding-kia-u” were derived from the following entire plant or aerial parts: 1) Elephantopus scaber L. subsp. oblanceolata Kitamura, 2) E. mollis H.B.K. 3) Pseudoelephantopus spicatus (Juss.) Rohr. Furthermore, through the investigation on the characteristics and illustration of ”Ben-cao-gang-mu” (本草綱目), ”Ye-cai-bo-lu” (野菜博錄), ”Jiu-huang-ben-cao” (救荒本草), it is confirmed that the origin of ”Ding-kia-u” (登豎杇) recorded in herbalogic literatures may be derived from the entire plant of E. scaber L.
起訖頁 33-49
關鍵詞 登豎杇民間藥基源生藥學的研究Ding-Kia-uFolk MedicineOriginPharmacognostical Studies
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199204 (2:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 亞羥基隣苯二甲內酯對離體天竺鼠因垂體後葉素引起之改變的作用
該期刊-下一篇 玉山龍膽之成分及其降血壓效果




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