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Herbological Studies on "Feng-Fan" (Nidus Vespae)
作者 林俊清顏銘宏郭木傳難波恆雄
”Feng-fan” (Nidus Vespae) 蜂房is listed in Shên-nung-pên-ts'ao-ching (神農本草經)as the remedy for epilepsy, rheumatalgia, carbuncle, malignant furuncle, scabies, toothache, tumor etc. Identification as to the origin of Feng-fan mentioned in Chinese herbal literatures was very confusing. At present, Feng-fan is considered to be derived from many different nests of Vespa, Polistes, Parapolybia and Vespula species insects of Vespidae. The purpose of this paper is to identify the origin of Feng-fan by pharmacognostical and herbological studies. Through herbological studies, the following results were obtained. 1.) In view of the morphological descriptions in Zhèng-leì-bên-cao (證類本草) indicate that Feng-fan is derived from the nests of Vespa, Polistes and Parapolybia sp. (Vespidae) and other unknown species. 2.) The illustrations recorded in Zhèng-leì-bên-cao (證類本草), Jin shi-kun-chóng-câomù-Zhùang (金石昆蟲草木狀), Tsu-chiu-hon-zò-komoku (頭註本草綱目), Bên-câo-hùi-yan (本草彙言) and Wakan-san-sai-z-e (和漢三才圖會) suggest that Feng-fan is derived from the nests of Polistes sp. 3.) The illustrations and descriptions recorded in Bên-câo-gang-mù (本草綱目), Ben-chingsu-zheng (本經疏證) indicate that Feng-fan is derived from the nests of Vespa sp. On the other hand, the illustrations recorded in Bên-câo-yuân-shî (本草原始) indicate two origins of Feng-fan. One is the nest of Polistes sp. and the other is the nest of Parapolybia sp. or Ropalidia sp. 4.) According to the illustrations and morphological descriptions in Hon-zo-ko-mo-kukei-mò (本草綱目啟蒙), Zu-kai-hong-zò (圖解本草) and Yaku-hin-ko (藥品考) suggest that Feng-fan in Japan is derived from the nest of Vespa sp. Through our historical and herbological investigations, these Feng-fan are identified to be derived from the nests of Vespa, sp., Polistes sp., and also derived from the nests of Parapolybia sp. or Ropalidia sp. in each dynasty. After the Ming (明) and Ching (清) dynasty, it has been common that Feng-fan was originated from the nest of Polistes sp.
起訖頁 59-77
關鍵詞 蜂房中國生藥本草學研究胡蜂屬長腳蜂屬細長腳蜂屬鐘胡蜂屬Feng-fanChinese crude drugHerbological studyVespaPolistesParapolybiaRopalidia
刊名 中醫藥雜誌  
期數 199104 (1:2期)
出版單位 衛生福利部國家中醫藥研究所(原:國立中國醫藥研究所)
該期刊-上一篇 薛己張介賓調經理論治療不孕症綜述
該期刊-下一篇 二金排石湯對人類離體輸尿管蠕動之影響




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