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The Development and Evolution of Lacquerware During the Japanese Colonization Period
作者 朱玲瑤
The Japanese colonization period in Taiwan was an era during which craft art began to develop and thrive. This period also marked a transition from an era of traditional beliefs to modernization. Crafts are common in everyday life and can thus reflect the social culture and ideology of a specific period. Furthermore, changes in social patterns also affect transition in artistic styles. Although the duration of lacquerware development during the Japanese colonization period was short, Taiwan’s lacquerware flourished during this period. Additionally, Taiwan was the center for lacquerware design, production, and sales during the Japanese colonization period, laying the foundation for the development of crafts in Taiwan. To clarify the path of Taiwan’s craft art development, the present study examined lacquerware produced during the Japanese colonization period. This study established classification criteria according to style for the lacquerware of the Japanese colonization period: 1. lacquerware produced prior to 1928, classified as early Penglai lacquerware; 2. lacquerware produced between 1928 and 1945, considered as late Penglai lacquerware; 3. Chinese–Japanese hybrid lacquerware, produced between 1928 and 1941; and 4. Taiwan–Ryukyu hybrid lacquerware, produced between 1941 and 1945. Researches were conducted on lacquerware beginning from the Penglai lacquerware designed by Yamanaka Ko, and the establishment of the Taichung Craft Art Institute and the initiation of lacquerware craft projects by industrial corporations were considered as partitions in lacquerware development. By conducting comparisons and analysis, this study elucidated how cultural factors were used to express craft connotation through materials and designs as well as further shaped the context of lacquerware development during the Japanese colonization period.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 漆器漆藝工藝美術日治時期lacquerwarelacquer artcraft artJapanese colonization period
刊名 藝術論壇  
期數 201609 (10期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學美術學系
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣近代美術中女性再現的時代意涵――以「殖民現代性」觀點詮釋




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