中文摘要 |
何炳棣教授撰著的《明清社會史論》(Ho, Ping-ti. The Ladder of Success in Imperial China-Aspect of Social Mobility, 1368-1911. New York: Columbia University Press, 1962),係根據近一萬五千名明清進士、兩萬多名晚清舉人與特種貢生三代履歷,以及大量且多樣史料,用以討論明清「社會流動」(social mobility)者。此書早著大名,近半世紀以來,中國史研究、社會史研究、柬亞史研究與社會科學界同聲譽為劃時代之經典鉅著,且已有意大利文及日文本問世。惜中譯本至今未見刊行,誠一大憾事也。泓刻經何炳棣教授同意,授予該書翻譯權。迻譯之時,乃逐一查對所引原始文獻,還原於譯文之中,若有出入則以〈譯者注〉形式說明。此書出版已屆四+六年,相關文獻與研究論著出土、出版者正復不少,均得與何教授對話:此不同意見與文獻資料之修訂、補強,亦見〈譯者注〉。何教授所徵引之資料,既博且精,不見於臺灣圖書館者甚多,此部分則一一親向阿教授請教,力求復原何教授引用之原典,此實中譯本所以不同於其他文字譯本之處。本次發表為第二章〈社會身分系統的流動性〉(Chapter Ⅱ, 'The Fluidity of the State System.')。 |
英文摘要 |
Firstly, carding its circulation status of the Letters we consider that its research values are mainly embodied in the following three points: 1, it is the most important material for us to understand a true Yen Fu in his old age, and his fellows' ideology. 2, it provides the most reliable first-hand data for our textual criticism and clarifying Yen Fu's trace in his later years. 3, since these Letters been available, they have become an ideological weapon for the cultural conservatism.. By studying the Letters, we'll introduce and promote the research into the new cultural conservatism. |