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Impact of the People's Republic of China on the Chinese Marxist Historiography: Exemplified by Discussions on the 'Asiatic Mode of Production'
作者 傅可暢
The Chinese Marxist historiography emerged in the late nineteen-twenties from widespread appeals for social revolution. It prospered along with the revolutionary progress. However, factors of the revolution also deprived Chinese Marxist historians of their freedom. Today, after nearly eighty years, it is still hard to make proper assessments of their academic achievements. Since the Chinese Communist Party came into power in 1949, it is adequate to take the People's Republic as a 'post-revolutionary' period, in contrast to China's 'pre-revolutionary' past. The distinction is crucial because, on almost all aspects of the society, impact of the new regime is overwhelmingly decisive.This article aims to undertake a comparative interpretation of two Chinese discussions on the 'Asiatic mode of production. 'Fifty years apart from each other, theoretical arguments made in the two events actually reflect different, if not opposite, political implications. Through a careful study of this example, the author intends to reach a fair commentary regarding the Chinese Marxist historiography in general.
起訖頁 219-249
關鍵詞 中國社會史論戰馬克思主義中國化中國馬克思主義史學亞細亞生產方式中華人民共和國Chinese Social History ControversySignification of MarxismChinese Marxist historiographyAsiatic mode of productionPeople's Republic of China
刊名 東吳歷史學報  
期數 200712 (18期)
出版單位 東吳歷史系
該期刊-上一篇 略論現代中國史學機構之建制與運作




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