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Viewing the Palace Life of Emperor Yong Zheng via 'Huo Jih Dang'
作者 侯皓之
Yong Zheng (1678-1735) was the 3(superscript 3rd) emperor of Qing Dynasty entering the Central Plain. He strived for the endeavor to manage politics and reform, removed the cancer of the late Kangxi and built the basis of the prosperity of the following Qianlong vigorous governance. However, the recent studies stressed the political achievement and neglected the realistic life. Yong Zheng Dynasty 'Ge Zhuo Cheng Zhuo Huo Jih Ching Dang' pertaining to Construction Section of Qing Palace Inner Affairs recorded a lot of Yong Zheng's life in palace; the study on Yong Zheng Dynasty Huo Jih Dang expressed the artistic preference, rich literacy for arts, unique standard and elegant appreciation taste of Yong Zheng. The analysis of the files indicated the delicate features and abundant creativity of Yong Zheng, who used his private time to direct the art works. He requested high quality of Huo Jih and addressed his opinions and details for revision. The cause might result from his seeking for the enjoyment of life via the rich resources in palace and the interest for art as well; Yong Zheng relieved the busy official life through arts. The study of Yong Zheng Dynasty Huo Jih Dang unfolded the true image of Yong Zheng and inquired his palace life.
起訖頁 113-164
關鍵詞 雍正皇帝活計活計檔西洋工藝宮廷生活Emperor Yong ZhengHuo JihHuo Jih Dangwestern craftpalace life
刊名 東吳歷史學報  
期數 200712 (18期)
出版單位 東吳歷史系
該期刊-上一篇 販番販到死方休--明代後期(1567-1644年)的通番案
該期刊-下一篇 略論現代中國史學機構之建制與運作




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