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Architect Hsu, Ze-lan and Taiwanese Modernization of Architectural Discourse: Case Study of Three School Campuses
作者 殷寶寧 (Pao-Ning Yin)
修澤蘭建築師(1925-) 為台灣當代重要建築師之一,其多項建築作品風格,在台灣當代建築發展中,有其個人獨特之形式美學展現;然觀諸各項資料,不僅對其個人建築作品與生平,缺乏有系統的紀錄與深入討論,連基本的檔案資料幾乎都如荒漠一片。本文以修建築師設計作品中佔大宗的校園建築類型為研究案例,藉由解構理論、女性主義與後殖民研究等理論觀點,重新建構、詮釋其作品之歷史性意涵,在以男性建築師居支配性地位的建築專業領域,尋覓女性建築師的身影與作品軌跡,以重新檢驗專業論述及歷史觀看角度,特別是針對台灣戰後建築現代化歷程,及其牽動相關論述,嘗試提出較具反思性之建築史批判性再思,為本研究之核心關切。
Mrs. Hsu Ze-Lan is one of the most important contemporary architects in Taiwan. She has made a lot of masterpieces such as The Chung Shan Hall on the Yang-Ming Mountain. Besides, she also designed many school campuses. In some way, she is one of the most important architects in the modernization process of Taiwanese architecture. However, there is no serious research about her and her works at all. This systematic exclusion might be gender blindness in architectural history in Taiwan. Nevertheless, it also indicates the truth that the process of Taiwanese Modernization was never problematic or highly ignored based on both the settling colonialism and cultural imperialism experience in Taiwan in a critical post-colonial reflection. In this research, to introduce the critical theories which include deconstructionism, feminism and post-colonial critiques, and through the case studies of three schools to reconstruct the material of Mrs. Hsu’s works are the first step to re-making Taiwan’s contemporary architectural discourse. Secondly, taking a critical regionalism to analysis Mrs. Hsu’s works, and try to make a more reflective dialogue between architectural history and critical theories.
起訖頁 69-86
關鍵詞 臺灣現代主義建築修澤蘭女性主義建築史解構主義校園建築Taiwanese modern architectureHsu Ze-LanFeminist architectural historyDeconstructionismSchool architecture
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201009 (73期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 鋼筋混凝土構架建築物於塩害環境下之耐震可靠度分析
該期刊-下一篇 運用資料採礦與3S技術建立坡地社區風險評估模式




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