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The Spirit Grasped and yet the Form Diminished – a Study on the Graphical Transformation of the Sky Charts in Mural Paintings of Han tombs
作者 莊蕙芷
Up to now, the earliest sky charts in China had been discovered in Han Tombs. Judging from the contents, the first sky chart mural discovered in the 'West Han Mural tomb of Xian Jiaotong University' owned a more complete feature with more scientific significance. However, a tremendous change in style and variation occurred when it came to the late Eastern Han Dynasty, when the immortals and mythological animals began to occupy the sky charts and the star installation could hardly been identified. In the past, not many researchers compared and contrasted the sky charts from all periods in Han Dynasty, not to mention the exploration of the significant differences. After probing into the archeological documents and data, this essay proposes two reasons regarding the transforming of the sky charts. The first is social change. Due to the shift from aristocracy to bureaucracy, the relation between the title and the salary, the knowledge and the wealth become more diversify, allowing the dissemination of astronomic knowledge and celestial themes that had been monopolized by aristocrats, the public began to gain access to related knowledge. Due to insufficient knowledge, there might have been inaccuracies in those sky charts. The second reason is the influences of visual psychology. Comparatively speaking, astrological knowledge was unknown to most people. Demanding aesthetics effects and complying with the conception of the 'realm of the heaven' in chien wei (a sect of Taoism), people represent instead of representation the sky in those charts. Therefore, mythological themes replaced the original observations of stars in those sky charts, from which geometrical decorations were derived. The appearance and the decline of the overall sky mapping can best be described with Ouyang Xiu's words: ' the spirit grasped and yet the form diminished.'
起訖頁 1-42
關鍵詞 中國古代星象墓室天象圖漢代墓葬藝術墓室壁畫sky chartmural paintings in tombs of Han Period
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201406 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
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