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The Effect of Perceived Parenting Styles on Adolescents’ Dual Filial Belief: A Mediational Analysis
作者 黃士哲葉光輝 (Kuang-Hui Yeh)
本研究旨在探討父母教養方式對青少年雙元孝道信念發展之影響歷程中,扮演中介角色的關鍵因素為何。本文採用兩個子研究分別探討,研究一主要是探討威權專制與民主權威兩種教養方式對青少年權威性孝道信念之影響歷程的中介機制;研究二則探討民主權威教養方式對青少年相互性孝道信念之影響歷程的中介機制,並採用父母親對象分開測量的方式,重複檢驗研究一的假設與結果。經採用結構方程模型驗證提出的研究假設,研究一發現:父母的民主權威教養對於青少年的權威性孝道信念發展有顯著的正向影響效果,並且可經由青少年的承諾性順從變項完全中介其效果;然而父母的威權專制教養雖然對於青少年的權威性孝道信念可以產生若干的正向影響效果,但卻無法透過其對父母的情境性順從變項所中介,其主要原因是因為情境性順從變項對權威性孝道信念沒有顯著預測力。研究二A 進一步採用父母對象分開探討的設計,結果顯示:青少年對父親的情境性順從傾向能中介父親威權專制教養對青少年權威性孝道(對父親)信念的影響效果,但母親對象方面則不成立,其他與研究一的結果相同。研究二B 則發現:民主權威教養對青少年相互性孝道信念具有正向影響效果,並主要是透過對父或母感激之情的完全中介途徑作用,然而對父母親密感的中介作用效果則只在單一中介變項模型分析下才獲得支持。最後,根據研究結果,提出本研究的貢獻與限制,亦提供未來研究方向的可能建議。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the critical factors that mediate the influence of perceived parenting on adolescents' dual (reciprocal and authoritarian) filial belief. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was adopted to analyze the data and validate the hypotheses. Study 1 focused on the influence of perceived authoritarian and authoritative parenting on adolescents' authoritarian filial belief. Analysis revealed that perceived authoritative parenting exerts significant positive impact on adolescents' authoritarian filial belief, which is completely mediated by the adolescent's committed compliance to parents. Although perceived authoritarian parenting had a similar positive effect, its influence was not mediated by the adolescent's situational compliance to parents, mainly due to the lack of significant predictive power of situational compliance for the adolescent's authoritarian filial belief. Study 2 examined the influence of perceived authoritative parenting on adolescents' reciprocal filial belief, with the modification of assessing the data of the father and the mother separately to cross-validate the results of Study 1. Study 2A revealed that an adolescent's situational compliance mediates the relationship between the perceived father's authoritarian parenting and the adolescent's authoritarian filial belief towards the father, but not for the mother. Other findings were the same as Study 1. Study 2B demonstrated that perceived authoritative parenting has a significant positive impact on adolescents' reciprocal filial belief, which is mediated by the adolescent's gratitude to the parents. However, the mediating effect of parent-child intimacy was supported only in a single-mediator but not dual-mediator (gratitude and intimacy) model.
起訖頁 119-164
關鍵詞 父母教養方式承諾性順從情境性順從感激之情親密感雙元孝道模型committed compliancedual filial piety modelgratitudeparent-child intimacyparentingsituational compliance
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201306 (39期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 為自己出征?臺灣年輕女性外派決策中的自我展現
該期刊-下一篇 通往華人幸福之路:性格特質與文化價值的雙重作用




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