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The Transmission and Change of Work Values within the Family: A Dyadic Analysis of Parents and Children
作者 王叢桂羅國英
The authors developed an indigenous Taiwanese family and work model as well as work value scales. A dyadic analysis of parent/child work values revealed that children are more likely than their parents to emphasize the values stressed in instrumental relationships and less likely to emphasize values related to intimate or mixed relationships. Children emphasized work values such as self-actualization, altruism, social respect, monetary rewards, aggression and competition, openness, and respect for individuals. They identified their parents with values such as self-actualization, creativity, altruism, balanced life, harmony and face, forgiveness, and humility. However, children also inherited values from their parents; the parent-child relationship moderated value transmission. Those who had a more intimate relationship with their parents were less likely to identify with their parents' extrinsic reward values and self-restraint values, and more likely to identify with their parents' autonomy and independence, support of individual rights, self-discipline, honesty, and industry values of their parents.
起訖頁 195-247
關鍵詞 工作價值價值傳遞親子關係parent-child relationshipvalue transmissionwork value
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201112 (36期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 學術之道的抉擇:談建構「含攝文化的心理學」




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