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Intergenerational Exchange Behaviors in Taiwan: The Filial Piety Perspective
作者 葉光輝 (Kuang-Hui Yeh)
本研究以代間連帶理論為基礎,經由子代及親代雙邊的角度,有系統地檢驗可能影響台灣民眾的代間交換行為(主要包括提供金錢、家務及情感關注等行為頻率)的各項因素,其中除了探討家庭結構連帶、關聯連帶等相關因素的影響效果外,在考量華人本土社會脈絡情況下,特別以華人孝道信念作為規範連帶之核心,並在控制其他影響因素下,進一步檢驗台灣民眾孝道信念對代間交換行為的影響效果。經以2006 年五期二次「台灣社會變遷基本調查研究」的全國代表性樣本資料進行階層迴歸分析探討,結果顯示:不論子女提供給父母的交換項目為金錢、家務或是情感,最主要的影響因素是父母本身所對應提供給子女的交換項目頻率。其中,在家務與情感關注等交換行為上,主要依循孝道規範中的「互惠原則」進行交換,亦即當一方提供較多的援助與支持時,另一方會根據人際互動的回報原則,對應提供較多的援助與支持。然而在金錢的交換行為上,則是依循孝道規範中的「需求法則」而運作,亦即當一方(通常是年老父母這一方)的需求量較高時(例如:教育程度或是收入愈低),另一方(通常是成年子女這一方)提供的援助相對會較多。另外,即使在控制家庭結構連帶以及關聯連帶等因素的影響效果下,子女的相互性孝道信念對提供給父母的金錢、家務或是情感等交換行為,都具有正向的影響效果,而子女的權威性孝道信念則僅對提供給父母的家務交換行為產生正向影響效果,再度顯示雙元孝道的不同運作功能。整體而言,家庭結構連帶、關聯連帶與規範連帶這三者都是影響台灣民眾代間交換行為的重要影響因素,不過在華人文化脈絡下,上述三項連帶相關的影響效果,大致都可使用華人的孝道規範觀點加以統攝說明。
The aim of this study is to examine how three intergenerational solidarities (family structural, associational, and normative solidarities) influence 3 aspects of intergenerational exchange behavior (financial, family labor, and affection exchange behavior) in Taiwan. In consideration of the Chinese cultural context, we focused on individual filial belief (as normative solidarity) as a key predictor of adult children's exchange behavior towards their parents. Analyses of national representative data, including 1463 adult samples varying in gender, age, occupation, marriage status, and educational level etc., collected by the Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS; Phase 5 Wave 2) in 2006, demonstrated that family labor and affection exchange behavior between adult children and their parents occurs according to the principle of reciprocity while financial exchange behavior accords with the rule of demand. That is, the more family labor and affection parents provided, the more support their adult children gave in return. Financial exchange behavior between generations showed the opposite pattern. When parents had greater need, adult children provided more. After controlling for the influence of family structural and associational solidarity, the children's reciprocal filial belief still had a positive association with financial support, family labor, and affection towards parents, but their authoritarian filial belief had a positive association only with supporting family labor. Most of the hypotheses were supported. Actually, the effect of family structure and associational solidarity on intergenerational exchange behavior, in the Chinese cultural context, can be reinterpreted and encompassed by adult children's reciprocal and authoritarian filial belief as well.
起訖頁 97-141
關鍵詞 代間交換代間連帶理論孝道信念孝道雙元模型dual filial piety modelfilial beliefntergenerational exchangeintergenerational solidarity theory
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200906 (31期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 解開文化的封印:臺灣喪偶婦女團體的倫理療癒
該期刊-下一篇 差序對待知覺與同事間信任對公平態度與政治行為之影響




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