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The Relationship of Coparenting to Parenting Feelings among Preschool Children’s Parents
作者 林惠雅 (Huey-Ya Lin)
This study examines the association between coparenting (the degree to which parents perceive spousal support or undermining with respect to their childrearing practices) and parental feelings about parenting. Participants were 622 pairs of Taiwanese parents with children between 5 and 6 years old. All were married to the biological parent of the child; no step-families were included. Participants responded to measures of parenting alliance, parental involvement (i.e., division of labor in childcare and the amount of time of interaction with the child), and parenting stress and satisfaction. Analysis showed that parents tended to perceive a supportive parenting alliance and have a high level of involvement. They felt a low level of parenting stress and a high level of role satisfaction and happiness. Fathers felt they had a higher level of spousal support than mothers. Mothers were the main caregivers and they felt a higher level of parenting stress regarding child rearing, life adjustment, and social interaction, and a lower level of happiness than fathers. Parents' perception of the level of spousal undermining was an important factor contributing to all aspects of parenting stress. The perception of a supportive parenting alliance and high division of labor in childcare contributed to positive feelings about parenting. Mothers' perceptions of the amount of time spent on father-mother-child interaction contributed to maternal positive feelings about parenting.
起訖頁 177-229
關鍵詞 共親職教養聯盟親子互動親職分工親職參與親職感受親職壓力coparentingparental involvementparenting allianceparenting stress
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200702 (27期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 華人的自我呈現與自謙行為:一項實驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 華人管理者與情緒智能講師對情緒智能之認知差異




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