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Chinese Implicit Theory of Personality-Behavior Association and Its Impact on Interpersonal Interaction
作者 許功餘
本研究旨在探討人際初識歷程中,個人對具有不同性格的互動對象所持有的「性格與行為關連性的一般性內隱理論」之內涵及這種內隱理論對個人互動行為之影響。首先,針對「性格與行為關連性內隱理論」之內涵,以楊國樞1999 年所得的「精明幹練:愚鈍懦弱」、「勤儉恆毅:懶惰逸樂」、「外向活躍:內向沉靜」、「誠信仁慈:狡詐殘酷」及「溫順隨和:暴躁易怒」等性格知覺向度之性格形容詞來構成用以描述互動對象的十種性格,並針對這十種性格可能出現的行為做初步的概念分析。其次,就內隱理論對個人互動行為之影響,本研究假設個人透過互動對象的性格來預測互動者可能出現的行為,這些行為的預測影響著個人可能做出的互動行為:當個人預測互動對象出現的行為具有消除人際威脅的效果時,個人會做出促進兩人互動之行為;當個人預測互動對象出現的行為具有惡化人際威脅的效果時,個人會做出阻礙兩人互動之行為。具體而言,本研究預測:個人預測「誠信仁慈」與「溫順隨和」的互動對象可能僅出現消除人際威脅的行為,個人所做的主要行為是促進互動之行為;個人預測「精明幹練」、「勤儉恆毅」、及「外向活躍」的互動對象可能同時出現消除與惡化人際威脅的行為,個人所做的行為則包括了促進與阻礙互動之行為;個人預測「愚鈍懦弱」、「懶惰逸樂」、「內向沉靜」、「狡詐殘酷」及「暴躁易怒」的互動對象則僅出現惡化人際威脅的行為,個人所做的主要行為是阻礙互動之行為。本研究以728 位大學生填答十種未設定具體互動情境的問卷來探討個人對不同性格者所持有的性格與行為關連性的一般性內隱理論之內涵,以及這個內隱理論與個人互動行為之關係。大體上,除了少數結果外,多數研究結果支持本研究所提出的研究假設。最後,針對本研究結果與研究假設之關係,研究方法的限制及本研究結果對華人人際關係的意涵做進一步的討論。
This study explores Chinese implicit theories of personality-behavior association and the impact of these implicit theories on interpersonal interaction behaviors in a first encounter with new person. Yang's (1999) 10 Chinese personality perception dimensions (competent, impotent, industrious, lazy, extraverted, introverted, other-oriented, self-centered, agreeable, and disagreeable) were used to construct 10 interaction scenarios involving a person displaying a particular dimension. A conceptual analysis of the various kinds of behaviors associated with these 10 dimensions was also conducted. We tested the hypothesis that implicit theories associating personality dimensions and behaviors have an impact on interactions by decreasing or increasing interpersonal threat. When the implicit theory decreases the interpersonal threat, further interaction with the target is sought. In contrast, when the implicit theory worsens the interpersonal threat, interaction with the target is terminated. Analysis of the responses of 728 Taiwanese undergraduates on the 10 interaction scenarios indicated that all behaviors stemming from the implicit theories of other-orientedness and agreeableness decreased interpersonal threat and increased interaction with the target person. Behaviors associated with impotence, self-centeredness, disagreeableness, laziness, and introversion increased interpersonal threat and eliminated further interaction. Behaviors associated with competence, industriousness, and extroversion decreased some threats and increased others with the result that participants tended to show more complicated interaction with the target. Results are discussed in terms of interpersonal interaction in Chinese culture.
起訖頁 3-79
關鍵詞 人際互動內隱理論初識歷程華人性格acquaintance processChinese personalityimplicit theoryinterpersonal interaction
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200702 (27期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-下一篇 師生的心理傳統性與現代性、關係契合性對師生互動品質及學生心理福祉的影響




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