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Convergence and Divergence under the Feminist Umbrella: Genealogy and Transformation of the Feminist Cool Family
作者 黃囇莉 (Li-Li Huang)張盈堃
台灣自引進女性主義理念後,婦女運動歷經四個階段,現在則進入多元化發展階段,其內部也呈現分化與異質現象,尤其在同志運動、男性運動/研究加盟之後,一起構成了「女性主義酷家族」。因而,台灣的女性主義家族像一把大傘,大傘底下涉及多重面向,除了生理女性受壓迫的主面向外,性取向少數及性別氣質的受壓迫面向也逐漸受到重視,亦即女性主義的認同者,包含了婦女運動/研究者、同志運動/研究者以及男性運動/研究者。此三者有共同的目標與相似的理論背景,終極關懷卻不盡相同。因此,本研究把本地的女性主義者當作一種社會心理之分析對象,層層分析各面向的系譜關係及可能轉化。本研究一共深度面訪36 位自認是女性主義者,訪談時間每位約1.5小時。分析訪談資料時,本研究一方面從女性主義的意識與認同歷程說明酷家族成員們的和合性;另一方面,從女性主義者的主體、女性主義內的階層關係,姐妹情誼的迷思等實踐方面討論酷家族成員們的分別性;同時討論三者結盟的可能性與衝突點。最後,本研究更指出「性別主流化」的概念可以整合女性主義酷家族的成員,也是未來的潮流。
Feminism originally emerged in a Western context with a meaning related to the women's movements. It has expanded as a belief system so that is now like an ideology to counter patriarchy and hegemony. The women's movement in Taiwan went through four stages historically, and is now entering a stage in which queer studies and men's studies are allying with the feminist camp, constituting an interesting coalition, which in this study is labeled the feminist cool family, as an umbrella term and metaphor. Members of the feminist cool family share a common theoretical background and insight, but their goals and ultimate concerns are not always the same. This study analyzes the convergence and divergence of these 3 camps. Data from 36 feminist informants were collected using face-to-face in-depth interviews taking about 1.5 hours each. According to the analysis, although informants had different levels of feminist identification, it was clear that feminism had influenced them despite some variation in meaning. In addition, the process of feminist consciousness and identification exhibited convergence among the feminist cool family, and divergence from certain perspectives such as feminist subjectivity, hierarchical relationships within feminists, and the myth of sisterhood on the other hand. Finally, results suggest that the concept of gender mainstreaming is a possible strategy to integrate different standpoints in the feminist cool family.
起訖頁 141-182
關鍵詞 女性主義女性主義意識女性主義認同同志研究男性研究性別主流化feminismfeminist consciousnessfeminist identificationgender mainstreamingmen’s studiesqueer studies
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200608 (26期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 華人七大基本性格是否具有心理實質性?「提取引發遺忘效果」之檢驗




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