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Ethnic Identification and Attitudes towards the Japanese in Taiwan
作者 莊靜怡李美枝
Although most people in Taiwan consider themselves ethnically Han Chinese, many also differentiate themselves into one of two ethnicitie: Taiwanese or Chinese. Because of its historical connection to both China and Taiwan, Japan is occasionally involved in the complex and polemical problems of ethnic identification of the people of Taiwan. The results of this study indicated that favorable attitudes toward Japan relative to China may be predicted by subjective ethnic identification and Taiwanese ideology. Those people who identify themselves as Taiwanese tend to have a more positive perception of Japan relative to China, and attribute the negative behaviors committed by the Japanese during colonization to more positive causes than those who identify themselves as Chinese. Furthermore, ideology related to the pursuit of Taiwan's independence and political indigenization mediated ethnic identification and favorable attitudes toward Japan. The predictions and results are discussed by referring to Heider's P-O-X balance theory, cognitive construction of ethnic identification, and selective forgetting of history in order to reconstruct a new ethnic identity.
起訖頁 105-135
關鍵詞 兩岸關係後殖民族群認同對日態度態度平衡理論Chinaethnic attitudesethnic identityJapanTaiwan
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200312 (20期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 族群與偏見在兩岸關係中的角色:社會認同理論的檢驗
該期刊-下一篇 人我關係之界定--「折衷自我」的現身




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