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The Reason and Myth of Education Fanaticism: A Historical Review
作者 王震武
Traditionally, people who showed overenthusiasm in pursuing higher education were thought to have scholar-official envy, considered irrational, and given the label education fanatic. Overemphasis on education is still common in modern Chinese societies. The cultural origins of this attitude are explored in this study to clarify the contributing factors and practical significance through content analysis of historical materials. Scholar-official envy existed in the Sung, Ming, and Ching Dynasties and brought about the corruption of intellectuals and schools because intellectuals studied in pursuit of fame and wealth, not for truth and morality. In modern times, scholar-official envy can be equated with social class consciousness and obsession with the corresponding practical benefits for intellectuals. Western scholars explain the phenomenon by pointing out the significance of the diploma. This perspective completely matches the situation in modern Taiwan where the diploma plays an important role in influencing a person's career and life. Together with the above historical review, it may be safely concluded that education fanaticism may possibly reflect human nature rather than culture. And, diplomaism may be a rational rather than an irrational choice, better understood as a social phenomenon than as a cultural heritage.
起訖頁 3-65
關鍵詞 士大夫觀念升學主義教育改革education fanaticismeducation reformscholar-official-envy
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200206 (17期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-下一篇 學校文化對教師效能的影響:以我國國民小學為例




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