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作者 嚴國慶王淑卿曾士祈林泊建
由於同儕網路(Peer-to-Peer;P2P)具有提供可擴展的網路服務特性,因此P2P 的相關應用是現今網路服務的熱門話題之一。然而,過多的P2P 應用程序可能導致網路資源使用效率不佳或應用程序的執行性能極低。P4P(Proactive network Provider Participation for P2P)是用於P2P 網路優化的技術,其以合作的方式提供網際網路供應商(Internet Service Provider;ISP)與P2P 服務供應商之間的通訊,以減少P2P 的流量及ISP 的營運成本。因此在本研究中,提出一個以興趣叢集為基礎的P4P架構(Interested-group based P4P;IGP4P),可降低網際網路的流量及增加網路的健壯性。本研究更在IGP4P 中建置候選節點選派機制以提昇P2P的服務品質,當超級節點發生失效、離開或過載時,將依超級節點的狀況選派候選節點處理超級節點的問題,以維持整體網路的穩定性。
As Peer-to-Peer (P2P) emerges as a major paradigm for scaleable network application design, so the application of P2P services is one of the interested topics in web services. However, many P2P applications may lead to inefficient use of network resources or the execution performance of application service is very low. P4P (Proactive network Provider Participation for P2P) is a kind of P2P network optimization techniques. In order to reduce the traffic and operating costs of Internet Service Provider (ISP) and P2P service providers, P4P provides the communication between ISP and P2P service providers by cooperation. However, an Interested-group based P4P (IGP4P) is presented in this study that can reduce the network traffic. In order to maintain the stability of whole network, when super node fails, overloads or leaves, the backup super node or candidate nodes will be enabled.
起訖頁 1-10
關鍵詞 同儕網路P4P服務品質網際網路供應商興趣叢集Peer-to-PeerP4PQoSInternet Service ProviderInterest-group
刊名 資訊科技國際期刊  
期數 201506 (9:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學資訊學院
該期刊-下一篇 OpenStack 開放原始碼雲端運算平台服務需求配置之研究




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