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Underground Economy and Tax Evasion
作者 王有康
Ground economic activities differ from underground economic activities on taxpayer's Behavior. The tax evasion manner of ground economic activities interpreted as people engaged in production and consumption activities whereas government consented to, but avoided taxation which shall collect. Thus, underground economic activities, which known as gray economy, mean people engaged in economic activities without prior permission from tax collector. Individuals engaged in underground economic activities mostly aimed at passing the burden of taxation by tax collector. In this paper, we assume the basic assumption of the model through a log ground and underground utility function. Again extending audit costs, concealed costs and public goods into our system. Under our assumption, we derive the optimal relationship between representative individual's evasion and tax rate. Furthermore, examine optimal income reporting and tax compliance problem .Finally, we show that whether a increase in tax rate caused the underground economic activities increase in the proportion of the labour force, mainly determined by the representative taxpayer's attitude to avoid increasing relative risk levels of wealth. Thus the government is more likely to be able to use underground economic market to implement optimal tax scheme.
起訖頁 71-90
關鍵詞 地下經濟稅基侵蝕租稅道德隱匿成本易物交易Underground economyTax evasionTax ethicsConcealed costBarter
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201506 (488期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-上一篇 文化遺址法規及管理之研究




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