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Sport tourism cognitive impact of in Hualien residents of Taroko Gorge Marathon
作者 李素箱徐志輝陳偉銘林志偉
The research was aimed to investigate for sport events which analyze the cognitive differences among the economic, social-cultural and environmental impact by local residents. Taking over 18 years and local workers as the research objects, picks decides purposive sampling the way, the questionnaire were sent 350 copies out and 306 copies valid with recovery rate of 87.42%. Descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the questionnaire responses. The findings discovered that: (1) Engaging in the service of truism leisure will have outstanding difference in sociocultural negative impact (2)"duration of residence" will have outstanding difference in the economic forward impact. (3)"Age" will have outstanding difference in economic negative impact. (4)"Ethnic group" will have outstanding difference in sociocultural forward impact. Based on the results, some suggestions are proposed as follows: In the economy, during the tourism activities with not to be in touch with locals and visitors to each other that would be improved consuming opportunity. In the social-cultural, It is advertised and generalized for the aboriginals’ unique culture of Hualien that could make participant and residents have more and more communicate and experience.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 太魯閣峽谷馬拉松賽運動觀光衝擊衝擊效應Taroko Gorge MarathonImpact of sport tourismImpact response
刊名 朝陽商管評論  
期數 201412 (13:2期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學管理學院
該期刊-下一篇 個人社經狀況、社經期望與金錢使用態度對理財行為路徑關係之研究




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