英文摘要 |
From preliminary explorations in various Taiwan area locations, we candetermine that the spirit mediums of Han Taiwanese folk religion varyenormously. This paper hopes to compare the styles of mediums from Penghu,Lukang, Jinmen, and Yilan and the significance of their differences. After anintroduction, the second section briefly describes Penghu's jitong (占童), luanshou (鸞手 ), and cabobut (查某佛, female spirit mediums) . Thesedescriptions then serve as the basis for comparisons with other regions.Sections three to five describe the mediums of Lukang, Jinmen, and Yilan. Andthen section six compares training procedures, post-training relationshipsbetween mediums and trainers, how mediums spirit messages, how mediums entertheir trance states, and who controls a medium's trance. These differences areof great significance for the theology, ritual, and social relations of folkreligion. Comparing these differences may give insight into diffusions betweenand variations among regional cultures. |